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哈萨克跨国民族的形成是特定历史的产物。当今,哈萨克族主要地跨两国——哈萨克斯坦共和国与中国。民族问题是社会总问题中相对复杂的一部分,而跨国民族问题是民族问题中更为敏感而复杂的内容。哈萨克跨国民族问题是需要哈萨克斯坦共和国与中国两国共同面对的一项长期任务,由此问题而引发的民族关系紧张、民族意识增加、中国哈萨克族的“回归”问题等近年来已引起人们普遍的关注。丝绸之路经济带建设为实现哈萨克跨国民族的和平跨居提供了新动力,有助于协调中哈两国的民族政策、经济政策、反恐政策,有助于人们从汇聚共识角度妥善处理两国共同面对的哈萨克跨国民族问题。 The formation of Kazakh multinationals is a product of a specific history. Today, the Kazakh people mainly cross the two countries - the Republic of Kazakhstan and China. Ethnic issues are a relatively complex part of the total social issues, while transnational ethnic issues are more sensitive and complex elements of ethnic issues. The issue of cross-border ethnic groups in Kazakhstan is a long-term task that requires both the Republic of Kazakhstan and China to face. The ethnic tensions and national awareness raised by this issue have increased. The issue of the “return” of the Kazakh nation in China, among others, Aroused widespread concern. The construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt provides a new impetus to the peaceful cross-border development of Kazakh transnational ethnic groups and helps to coordinate the ethnic, economic and anti-terrorism policies of China and Kazakhstan and helps people properly handle the situation in the two countries The Kazakh multinationals face together.
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《石油与天然气地质》杂志主编、中国新星石油公司勘探研究院贺自爱教授针对我国地学研究思维单一,妨碍创新、开拓的倾向,连续在 Professor He Zaiai, editor in chief of
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