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21世纪已经进入到信息化的时代,在这一时代中,各行各业为了能够符合时代发展的需求,纷纷将计算机技术和信息化技术应用到行业管理中,推动了数字化管理的出现。而在档案管理中,信息化技术也被应用其中,衍生出了数字化档案。然而,就我国目前的数字化档案管理现状来说,数字化档案的信息还存在一定的安全问题,因此,需要采取有效的管理措施,提高数字化档案信息的安全,从而推动数字化档案管理的发展。本文就数字化档案的信息安全问题与管理策略进行了简要的分析,仅供参考。 The 21st century has entered the era of informationization. In this era, all walks of life in order to be able to meet the needs of the development of the times, have applied computer technology and information technology to the industry management, and promoted the emergence of digital management. In the file management, information technology has also been applied, derived from the digitized file. However, as far as the current status of digitized file management in our country is concerned, there are still some security problems in the digital archive information. Therefore, we need to take effective management measures to improve the security of digitized file information and promote the development of digital archive management. This article briefly analyzes the information security and management strategies of digital archives for reference purposes only.
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