COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2005观察(8)瑞萨揭橥无所不在网络时代下的数字解决方案

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2003年合并Hltachi与Mitsubishi两大半导体厂成立的Renesas瑞萨科技,今年首次参加COMPUTEX,并大手笔强势呈现公司的形象,不仅包下展览馆外墙贴上巨幅长条海报,还主力赞助IAFA论坛,一洗过去低调的行销姿态。瑞萨科技不论在IAFA或者主办的记者会上,都以无所不在的网络社会(UbiquitoisSociety)或时代下,阐述该公司扮演的角色与使命。对于资本额高达500亿日币的瑞萨集团而言,如何擘画长远且可行的产品策略,并且能善用庞大事业体的资源,建立起更胜欧美竞争厂商的产业优势,考验着管理团队的智慧。为看重这次的活动,RenesasSolutions代表取缔役社长御法川和夫(Mr.KazuoMinorikawa)与重要部门主管连袂出席,御法川和夫藉专题演讲与记者会的机会便以“无所不在时代下的数字解决方案”介绍瑞萨的产品蓝图。和夫社长指出,信息的流通的无所不在影响了社会的每个层面,从个人到公众领域环环相扣,而半导体与各别的技术正是促成的关键。为建构无所不在的运算环境,需要一种开放式的整体架构,因此促成T-Engine论坛组织与uIDCenter的成形,T-Engine是一种提供宽广范围环境以发展RFID与软硬件的开放式平台,到2005年五月止,全球已有444家公司与学术单位参加。由日立发展,瑞萨销售的μ-ChipRFID芯片便是获得uID批准的识别标签。为顺应无所不在网络环境的发展趋势,瑞萨的产品策略已从企业端转移到个人的需求技术发展,期以丰富个人生活为目标。因此,模拟性、舒适安全性、娱乐性、小型化与低功耗,这五大以人为主的技术成为该公司产品发展主轴。 2003 Renesas Renesas Renesas, a semiconductor company that merged with Hltachi and Mitsubishi, first participated in COMPUTEX this year and presented a generous image of the company. Not only did it wrap the huge poster on the exterior of the exhibition hall, but also sponsor the IAFA Forum , A low-key marketing attitude in the past. Renesas Technology addresses the role and mission of the company under the Ubiquitois Social or Era at both the IAFA and the host press conference. For Renesas Group, whose capital is up to 50 billion Japanese yen, how to draw a long-term and feasible product strategy and make good use of the resources of a large business body to establish the industry superiority to European and American competitors and test the management team Wisdom. In order to value this event, Renesas Solutions CEO Kazuo Monorikawa joined the heads of major departments to attend this special event. On the occasion of his speech and press conference, Mrs.Fukawa introduced the Swiss as “a digital solution under the ubiquitous era.” Sa’s product blueprint. Heffer pointed out that the ubiquity of the circulation of information affects every aspect of society, from the individual to the public, and the semiconductor and individual technologies are the keys to its success. To create an ubiquitous computing environment that requires an open, holistic architecture that is shaping the T-Engine forum organization and uIDCenter, T-Engine is an open platform that provides a wide range of environments for RFID and hardware and software development. As of May 2005, there are 444 companies and academic units in the world. Developed by Hitachi, Renesas μ-ChipRFID chips are approved uID identification tag. In order to comply with the trend of ubiquitous network environment, Renesas’s product strategy has shifted from the enterprise side to the individual needs of technology development, with a view to enriching the personal life as the goal. Therefore, the simulation, comfort and safety, entertainment, miniaturization and low power consumption, these five people-oriented technology as the company’s product development spindle.