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纵观2001年全国各地中考作文试题,在受到话题作文、半命题作文等开放式命题强烈冲击的时候,北京市海淀区(“美在我身边”)、天津市(“我的另一片天地”)、辽宁省大连市(“其实,我真的挺棒”)、吉林省(“我们这些少男少女”)、黑龙江省哈尔滨市(“启迪”)、湖南省长沙市(“我要说声‘谢谢你’”)等地依然固守着全命题作文形式。应当承认,全命题作文在统一评分标准、避免宿构等方面具有明显的优势。从这一点上说,它作为考试作文命题形式和平时作文练习命题形式是具有长久生命力的。同时,我们要看到,为了让全命题作文打破封闭局面,步入选材自由和立意多元的开放状态,保证学生人人都有话可说、有事可写,许多省市拟题者变“文题+要求”的命题形式为“提示语+文题+要求”的命题形式。这一变化,显示出拟题者与时俱进的追求和鼓励广大考生尽情发挥的良苦用心。在此番变革中,提示语无疑就担负起让文题走向开放的重任。具体说来,主要体现在以下方面:一、多方列举可写内容。传统型全命题作文讲究最佳选材、最佳立意,束缚了学生的思维,无形中助长了说假话风气的蔓延。正因为如此,去年全命题作文的提示语中常列举出若干可写内容,启发学生从多个方面选材构思,大胆表达出自己对生活的看法。下面,且看北京市西城区2001年中考作文在出示了题目“我在生活中学语文用语文”之后的一段提示语: Throughout 2001, the examination questions of the national entrance examinations across the country were strongly impacted by open propositions such as topic writing and semi-proposition writing. Haidian District, Beijing (“beside me”) and Tianjin (“My other world”) ) Dalian, Liaoning Province (“I’m actually very good”), Jilin Province (“we boys and girls”), Harbin, Heilongjiang (“Enlightenment”), and Changsha, Hunan (“I’m going to say” Thank you, ’’) and other places still cling to the full proposition composition. It should be admitted that full-proposition writing has obvious advantages in terms of unified scoring standards and avoiding constitutional construction. From this point of view, it is as a test writing proposition and peacetime writing practice proposition form has long-lasting vitality. At the same time, we must see that in order to allow the full proposition to break the closed situation, we should step into the liberalization of material selection and diversity, and ensure that every student has something to say, something to write, and many provinces and cities become subject matter. The proposition of question + requirement“ is the proposition form of ”prompt word + text title + requirement". This change shows the pursuit of the question-makers advancing with the times and encourages the majority of candidates to exert their best efforts. In this change, the prompt language will undoubtedly bear the burden of making the essay title open. Specifically, it is mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, multi-party enumeration of writable content. The traditional full-proposition essay emphasizes the best materials and the best ideas, and it constrains the students’ thinking, which virtually encourages the spread of falsehood. Because of this, last year’s full-proposition essay was often written with some readable content that inspired students to select ideas from various aspects and boldly express their views on life. Next, let’s look at the following sentence in the 2001 Beijing Middle School essay, which shows the topic “I use language in the middle school of life”:
所谓“主元”,是指在处理含有多个变量的数量问题时,置某个“元”予特殊地位,以利于问题的解决.现举例如下: 一、用于因式分解例1 分解因式:x3-ax2-2ax+a2-1. 解视a为主元.
2002年春季高招理综试卷第27题是一道新颖的有机试题,许多同学看到题目后不知如何下手。 In the spring of 2002, the 27th question of the high-graded comprehensive ex
参赛须知:请在信封背面写上答案,并注明你及辅导老师的电话、通讯地址,在信封正面贴上本页左下角的参赛标志,本月30日前寄给《中学生数理化》编辑部赵平收。题1 代数式ax~2+
题不在多而在精,一道好的数学题,往往能起到举一反三、触类旁通的作用. 题目过△ABC的顶点C任作一直线,与边AB及中线AD分别交于点F和E,求证AE:ED=2AF:FB.(人教版初中《几何