Serologic Investigation of Brucella Infection in Sheep in Hulunbiur

来源 :Animal Husbandry and Feed Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunsand
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[Objective] To investigate the occurrence and prevalence of Brucella infection in Hulunbiur region.[Method] A total of 906 serum samples were collected from sheep in Hulunbiur region and detected by the Rose Bengal plate agglutination test to determine the positive rate of Brucella antibodies.[Result] The positive rates of Brucella antibodies in lambs,ewes and mutton sheep were 5.28%,5.68% and 4.22%,respectively.The total positive rate of Brucella antibodies was 4.86% in sheep.[Conclusion] The positive rate of Brucella antibodies was high in sheep in Hulunbiur region. [Objective] To investigate the occurrence and prevalence of Brucella infection in Hulunbiur region. [Method] A total of 906 serum samples were collected from sheep in Hulunbiur region and detected by the Rose Bengal plate agglutination test to determine the positive rate of Brucella antibodies. The positive rates of Brucella antibodies in lambs, ewes and mutton sheep were 5.28%, 5.68% and 4.22%, respectively. The total positive rate of Brucella antibodies was 4.86% in sheep. [Conclusion] The positive rates of Brucella antibodies was high in sheep in Hulunbiur region.
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