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本文分析了当前行政事业单位在内控意识、内控制度、预算编制、财务管理、财务监督等方面实行内部控制的现状,从建立合理的组织结构、内控制度建设、加强内部会计控制等方面提出了推进行政事业单位内部控制的几点措施。 This paper analyzes the present situation of the internal control implemented by the administrative units in terms of internal control awareness, internal control system, budget preparation, financial management, financial supervision and so on, and puts forward the measures to establish a reasonable organizational structure, the construction of internal control system and the strengthening of internal accounting control Several Measures of Internal Control in Administrative Institutions.
This paper puts forward wavelet transform method to identify P and S phases in three component seismograms using polarization information contained in the wavel
2000年4月,西藏林芝地区波密县易贡藏布江扎木弄沟发生罕见的山体滑坡,并引发泥石流。其滑坡体体积、规模、滑程居世界第三位。 灾害发生后,长江水利委员会水文局奉命迅速组
We have measured Rb and Sr concentrations in fluid inclusions of quartz in gold deposits, southwestern Hunan. The Rb|Sr isochron ages of 435±9Ma and 412±33Ma
To evaluate the geomorphic significance of piping and tunnel erosion in basin sediment yield in semiarid areas, we conducted a field monitoring program in Yang
髓细胞白血病 1 (myeloidcelllekemia 1 ,MCL 1 )基因是高度可调节的分化早期活化基因 ,属于抗凋亡基因家族成员 ,其编码产物Mcl 1蛋白与正常和异常造血细胞的生存及分化有密
目的 :提高原发性输尿管癌的CT诊断与鉴别诊断水平。材料与方法 :回顾性分析 10例原发性输尿管癌病人的CT图像资料。男 8例 ,女 2例 ,平均年龄 63 5岁 ,均为移行上皮细胞癌
系统工程如何具体应用于我国的水利工程实践,一直是系统工程和水利工程学者普遍关心的课题。原水利部曾于1980年5月和10月分别在德州和北京举办过两期系统工程学习班。 How