Influence of Separated Vortex on Aerodynamic Noise of an Airfoil Blade

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:charles93
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In order to clarify the mechanism by which aerodynamic noise is generated from separated flow around an airfoil blade,the relation between the attack angle and the aerodynamic noise of the blade was analyzed using a wind tunnel experiment and a CFD code.In the case of rear surface separation,the separated vortex which has a large-scale structure in the direction of the blade chord is transformed into a structure that concentrates at the trailing edge with an increase in the attack angle.The aerodynamic noise level then becomes small according to the vortex scale in the blade chord.When the flow is separated at the leading edge,a separated vortex of low pressure is formed at the vicinity of the trailing edge.The pressure fluctuations on the blade surface at the vicinity of the trailing edge become large due to the vortex in the wake.It is considered that the aerodynamic noise level increases when the flow is separated at the leading edge because the separated vortex is causing the fluctuations due to wake vortex shedding. In order to clarify the mechanism by which aerodynamic noise is generated from separated flow around an airfoil blade, the relation between the attack angle and the aerodynamic noise of the blade was analyzed using a wind tunnel experiment and a CFD code. In the case of rear surface separation, the separated vortex which has a large-scale structure in the direction of the blade chord is transformed into a structure that concentrates at the trailing edge with an increase in the attack angle. aerodynamic noise level then becomes small according to the vortex scale in the blade chord.When the flow is separated at the leading edge, a separated vortex of low pressure is formed at the vicinity of the trailing edge. pressure fluctuation on the blade surface at the vicinity of the trailing edge become large due to the vortex in the wake. It is that the aerodynamic noise level increases when the flow is separated at the leading edge because the separated vortex is causing fluctarma uations due to wake vortex shedding.
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