Thin Layer Chromatography for Specnuezhenide in LIGUSTRI LUCIDI FRUCTUS- ASTRAGALI RADIX Extraction

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouxiaorong
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[Objective] To explore thin layer chromatography for specnuezhenide in LIGUSTRI LUCIDI FRUCTUS-ASTRAGALI RADIX extraction solution. [Methods] Ultrasonic was used to extract the active component specnuezhenide. Different extraction reagents were designed to obtain test sample solution. Specnuezhenide was taken as the reference substance. Ethyl acetate- acetone- formic acid- water were used to prepare different developing agents. 1% vanillin H2SO4 ethanol solution and 10% H2SO4 ethanol solution were used as color developing agent to conduct thin layer chromatography. [Results] The fourth extraction method indicated the best effect for the test sample solution of LIGUSTRI LUCIDI FRUCTUS- ASTRAGALI RADIX extraction solution. The developing agent was ethyl acetate- acetone- formic acid- water( 6∶ 3∶ 0. 5∶ 1). Color developing agent was 1% vanillin H2SO4 ethanol solution. In visible light,the test sample solution showed purple spot with the same color in corresponding position of the reference solution,and the developed color was clear. [Conclusion]The fourth method of thin layer chromatography for specnuezhenide in LIGUSTRI LUCIDI FRUCTUS- ASTRAGALI RADIX is used to prepare the test sample solution. The ethyl acetate-acetone-formic acid-water( 6∶ 3∶ 0. 5∶ 1) was used as the developing agent. After color developing using 1% vanillin H2SO4 ethanol solution,the same purple spot appears in the visible light and the corresponding position of the reference solution. [Objective] To explore thin layer chromatography for specnuezhenide in LIGUSTRI LUCIDI FRUCTUS-ASTRAGALI RADIX extraction solution. [Methods] Ultrasonic was used to extract the active component specnuezhenide. Different extraction reagents were designed to obtain test sample solution. Specnuezhenide was taken as the reference substance. Ethyl acetate- acetone- formic acid- water were used to prepare different developing agents. [0013] The fourth extraction method indicated the best effect for the test sample solution of LIGUSTRI LUCIDI FRUCTUS- ASTRAGALI RADIX extraction solution. The developing agent was ethyl acetate- acetone- formic acid- water (6: 3: 0.5: 1). Color developing agent was 1% vanillin H2SO4 ethanol solution. In visible light, the test sample solution showed purple spot with the same color in corresponding position of the r The fourth method of thin layer chromatography for specnuezhenide in LIGUSTRI LUCIDI FRUCTUS-ASTRAGALI RADIX is used to prepare the test sample solution. [Conclusion] The fourth method of thin layer chromatography for specnuezhenide in LIGUSTRI LUCIDI FRUCTUS- ASTRAGALI RADIX is used to prepare the test sample solution. After color developing using 1% vanillin H2SO4 ethanol solution, the same purple spot appears in the visible light and the corresponding position of the reference solution.
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