全面贯彻党的教育方针 努力开创我省中初等学校勤工俭学和劳动实践场所建设新局面

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学校开展勤工俭学,加强劳动实践场所建设,是我国社会主义教育事业的光荣传统和特色之一,体现了中国特色社会主 义教育的重要特征,符合社会主义初级阶段的客观要求和教育改革发展的方向。今年5月26日,教育部在云南召开了“中西 部农村中小学勤工俭学现场会”,周济部长在会上作了题为“大力推进农村中小学勤工俭学工作,为农村教育事业的发展服务” 的重要讲话,对勤工俭学在历史及现实中的重要地位,作用作了深刻阐述,对这项工作的继续、深入发展指明了方向和任务。 这对一直热衷这项事业并付出辛勤汗水的广大勤工俭学工作者和师生员工是一个极大鼓舞和鞭策。我们要结合吉林省的实际, 贯彻、落实教育部“云南会议”精神,在全省范围内科学总结近年来中初等学校开展勤工俭学、劳动实践场所建设的新的实 践,进一步认清形势,明确努力的方向和主要任务,落实各种措施和工作责任,按照国家教育方针的要求,从整体上推进和 提升我省中初等学校勤工俭学和劳动实践场所建设,提高基础教育和职业教育的水平,把各项工作做得更好。 It is one of the glorious traditions and characteristics of China’s socialist education undertaking that schools conduct work-study and dropouts and strengthen the construction of labor practices. It embodies the important characteristics of socialist education with Chinese characteristics, conforms to the objective requirements of the primary stage of socialism and the direction of educational reform and development. On May 26th this year, the Ministry of Education held the “In-Situ Conference on School Work in Primary and Middle Schools in the Central and Western Regions of the Midwest” in Yunnan. Minister Zhou Ji made a speech at the conference entitled “Strengthening work in rural primary and secondary schools to serve the development of rural education”. The important speech has profoundly expounded the important position and role of work-study programs in history and reality, and pointed out the direction and tasks for the continuation and in-depth development of this work. This is a great encouragement and spur to the vast number of work-study workers and teachers and students who have been keen on the cause and have worked hard. We must integrate the spirit of Jilin Province to implement and implement the “Yunnan Conference” of the Ministry of Education. We must scientifically summarize the new practices of the middle and elementary schools in recent years to develop work-study programs and labor practices, further clarify the situation, and make clear efforts. The direction and main tasks are to implement various measures and work responsibilities, and in accordance with the requirements of the national education policy, promote and enhance the construction of work-study programs and labor practices in the primary and secondary schools in our province as a whole and improve the level of basic education and vocational education. The work is better.
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