,Novel Atomic Mirror with a Blue-Detuned Semi-Gaussian Beam

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheep1230_yuzt1984
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A novel and simple atomic mirror composed of a blue-detuned semi-Gaussian beam is proposed. From the Fresnel diffraction theory, the intensity distributions of a collimated GaUssian laser beam diffracted by the straight edge of a semi-infinite opaque plate are studied. The optical potential of the semi-Gaussian beam for 85 Rb atoms and its spontaneous emission probability are calculated and compared with the performance of the evanescent-wave mirror. Our study shows that the blue-detuned semi-Gaussian beam, as a novel atomic mirror, can be used to reflect atomic beam efliciently, and under the same beam parameters and lower normal atomic velocity, the performance of the semi-Gaussian-beam mirror is better than that of the evanescent-wave mirror.
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