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苏州市是地处长江三角洲的经济发达城市,也是我国主要劳务输入地之一。目前,苏州市外商投资企业已突破1万家,其中世界500强企业达90多家,正发展成为世界制造业基地。近年来,苏州市坚持以就业为民生之本,大力推进南北劳务交流,认真抓好进城务工人员就业服务工作,按照“政府推动,市场运作,搞好服务,注重效果”的原则,采取积极有效的政策措施,加大促进与外地劳务合作交流的力度,取得了明显成效:2005年1~9月份,苏州市单位使用的进城务工人员登记数为111.55万人,与上年度同比净增23.5万人,增幅为26.7%。既支持了经济欠发达地区发展劳务经济,又满足了本市制造业、建筑业和社会服务业的快速发展对用人的需求,促进了经济的繁荣富强。下面我们就来看看他们的具体做法。 Suzhou is an economically developed city located in the Yangtze River Delta and one of the major labor input places in China. At present, the number of foreign-invested enterprises in Suzhou has exceeded 10,000, of which over 90 are Fortune 500 companies and are now becoming the world's manufacturing base. In recent years, Suzhou City has persisted in employing employment as the basis of the people's livelihood. It vigorously promoted the exchange of labor services between the north and the south and earnestly engaged the employment services for migrant workers in cities. In accordance with the principle of “government promotion, market operation, good service, and effectiveness-oriented” Active and effective policies and measures were taken to increase cooperation in promoting cooperation with foreign labor services and achieved remarkable results. From January to September 2005, the number of registered migrant workers employed by units in Suzhou City was 1,115,500, up from the same period of last year Net increase of 235,000, an increase of 26.7%. It not only supports the development of labor economy in economically underdeveloped areas but also meets the demand for employment of the rapid development of the manufacturing, construction and social services industries in the municipality and promotes the prosperity and prosperity of the economy. Let's take a look at their specific practices.
在涉及国有企业改革和结构调整的问题上 ,有一些似是而非的糊涂观念 ,这些观念导致了不适应市场经济的思维方式甚至指导思想。比如 ,有的同志认为 ,国有企业是我们政权的基础
病例介绍患者 ,男性 ,42岁 ,因头昏乏力 1周 ,发热纳差伴浓茶样尿 3d于 2 0 0 0年 3月 2 0日入院。病程中无腹胀、季肋痛及厌油食 ,亦无腰痛、尿痛及出血等症状。既往否认肝
在当前企业竞争、岗位竞争、市场竞争日益激烈的形势下 ,依法规范企业管理十分重要。通过依法管理企业不仅能提高个人综合素质、锻炼实际工作能力 ,而且能增强人们的危机感、
请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后的表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。The government of China says much progress hasbeen made in efforts to control the sp
下列岗位招聘薪资信息,是由上海市职业介绍中心对前半月部分招聘单位发布的薪资进行分析得出的最新价位导向信息,供应聘者参考。 The following positions to recruit salar