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2005年12月20日,浙江省杭州市拱墅区人民法院对浙江省绍兴市越城区委原书记刘德秋作出一审判决:刘德秋在1994年至2005年3月先后任浙江省新昌县县委副书记,绍兴市政府副秘书长,绍兴市土地管理局(机构改革后合并为绍兴市国土资源局)党组书记、局长,绍兴市越城区委书记期间,利用职务便利,为他人在工程项目承包等方面谋取利益,同时收受请托人送的住房装修款、高档手表、现金等钱财折合人民币50.93万余元,决定以受贿罪判处其有期徒刑10年6个月,并处没收财产10万元人民币。2006年1月24日,刘德秋被开除党籍和公职。正值人生旺年的刘德秋,本该事业有成、奋发有为,向着新的工作目标攀登。然而,他却利用职务便利非法收受他人财物、违反规定接受礼金、严重违反社会道德等,一步步坠入违纪违法的深渊。面对庄严的判决,刘德秋没有提出上诉,只是为走歪“盛年”的脚步感到深深的懊悔和痛惜。 On December 20, 2005, Gongshu District People’s Court of Zhejiang Province made a verdict of first instance against Liu Deqiu, former secretary of Yuecheng District Committee of Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province: Liu Deqiu served as deputy secretary of Xinchang County Committee of Zhejiang Province from 1994 to March 2005, Shaoxing Municipal Government Deputy Secretary-General, Shaoxing Bureau of Land Management (Shaoxing City Land and Resources Bureau after the reform into the party committee secretary, director, Shaoxing City Yuecheng District Party Secretary during the use of his office for others in the project contracting and other aspects of seeking Interests, while accepting the trustee to send the housing decoration section, high-end watches, cash and other financial equivalent of 50.93 million yuan, decided to accept the bribery sentenced to 10 years and 6 months, and confiscation of property 100,000 yuan. January 24, 2006, Liu Deqiu expelled from the party and public office. Positive value of life, Liu Deqiu, the cause of success, work hard, toward the new goal of climbing. However, he took advantage of his post to facilitate the illegal acceptance of other people’s property, violating the rules to accept gifts of gifts, and seriously violated social morality and so on, one after another into the abyss of discipline and law. In the face of a solemn judgment, Liu Deqiu did not appeal and merely regretted and deplored the steps he had taken to distort the “Year of the Ch’ing.”
纵观国际能源组织和国内十几个中长期战略规划,如果缺乏国家战略储备体系,中国似乎难以保证其石油的不间断供应能力。 在近期中国石油天然气发展论坛上,国务院发展研究中心
在没有仪器的情况下,用目测上壤湿度,也是比较准确的。现将具体方法介绍如下; 目测土壤湿度的时间.最好在中午11~13时进行,并选择在土壤结构和土壤性质有代表性的地块进行。