A Brief Analysis of the Translation Techniques of EST Long Sentences

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxie20092009
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  【Abstract】Professional English for electric power is a branch of English for science and technology. Professional English for electric power has the characteristics of formal tone, simple style, strong logic and strong specialization. In order to make the logic of the paper strict and the information more accurate, professional English often uses many long sentences to describe the facts.
  【Key words】professional English for electric power; long sentence; translate
  【作者簡介】赵慧兰(1993.03.22- ),吉林四平人,东北电力大学。
  1. Introduction
  English long sentences are presented in tree forms, for its structure is complicated, and then there are a lot of modifiers. In order to achieve accurate translation, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of English long sentences, analyze the sentence structure, and rely on certain translation skills. This paper analyzes the features of long sentences in English for electric power, and discusses the methods and skills of it.
  2. Characteristics of Long Sentences in English for Electric Power
  2.1 Complex Sentence Structure
  English for electric power belongs to science and technology English, it has the characteristics of science and technology style, and it also has the unique characteristics of the profession. The long sentence has the following main features:
  Power professional papers often need to use a long sentence in order to fully express the meaning of complex. The use of parallel structure, clause, and non predicate structure make the sentences complicated.
  2.2 Complex Modifiers
  Because science is rigorous, English for science and technology is the use of complex attributive or appositive to explain the post a concept or phenomenon, it is also a major feature of English for science and technology. Modifiers can be clauses, non predicate structures, and prepositional structures, etc.
  2.3 Strong Professional Characteristics
  English long sentence has an important feature as well, that is the strong professional. The expression of internal fixation in the field of electric power is an important fact that can not be ignored.
  3. Commonly Used Translation Methods
  For the translation of English long sentences, author should carefully analyze the syntactic structure and understand the meaning of the sentence, and then take a flexible translation method for translation.
  3.1 Splitting
  The logical relations of some long sentences in English are complex, sometimes translating into Chinese is complicated or unclear. Simultaneously, sentences often take the method of break up the whole into parts, to disconnect the original sentence in the conjunction, or in accordance with the meaning of group segmentation, each sentence will translated into several independent Chinese sentences, this method is called the Splitting.   3.2 Embedding
  English modifiers are often post, and the modifier is the Chinese expression habit. Therefore, when the sentence is translated into Chinese, it is often necessary to move the postposition of English modifier to the front of the central word, this method is called embedding. This method is mainly used to translate attributive structure. Sometimes it is also used to translate some adverbial structures.
  3.3 Recasting
  The recasting refers to the translator’s understanding of the meaning of the original sentence, and breaks the order structure of the original sentence. The translated text should be separated from the original structure, completely in accordance with the Chinese habit re-expresses the original meaning. But this method is one of the most difficult to master.
  4. Conclusion
  The translator needs to grasp the syntactic features and the professional features of the English long sentences in electric power. The translator relies on a wealth of English vocabulary grammar knowledge and expertise, to reconstruct the original text, and convey the original text accurately. At the same time in line with the Chinese expression habits, the translators need to make sentence be natural and smooth. The translator needs to master in addition to the professional knowledge and also needs to master some English long sentences and their translation skills.
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【摘要】近年来,随着基础教育课程改革的不断推行,英语课堂需要改变传统教与学的情况,倡导学生主动参与学习,提高交流和合作的能力。为此合作学习这种学习方法已成一种趋势。只有教师正确认识合作学习,及时做好准备工作,才能高效发挥小组合作的实效,真正落到实处,提高效率。本篇文章文主要论述小组合作学习的方式方法以及对初中英语课堂教学的影响,希望能有助于提高英语教学质量。  【关键词】小组合作;初中英语;影响 
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【摘要】得阅读者得天下,相信大家对这句话都不陌生,所以对阅读理解能力的培养,更是英语教学中的重中之重,这就要求我们英语教师进行认真探索如何实施有效的英语阅读策略,化繁为简,以提升学生的英语阅读能力。阅读策略并不是指略读、查读等具体的阅读方法和技巧,而是对阅读方法和技巧的充分认识、理解以及灵活选择和运用。  【关键词】英语阅读策略;化繁为简;充分认识;理解运用  【作者简介】张琼,浙江省宁海县西店镇
【摘要】 在经济全球化的大背景下,英语作为一种国际化的语言变得日益重要,英语学习与教学也成为公众关注的焦點。在英语学习和教学中我们接触最多的有两种英语,美式英语和英式英语。语言是文化的载体,了解和学习这两种语言的历史和发展背景对于语言学习者来说具有十分重要的意义。由于地理环境以及政治,经济和文化等众多因素的影响,英式英语和美式英语存在着许多差异,英语发音以及拼写还有用词和语法等方面都有差异。了解和
How deep is the meaning of one short word — homeland. And for each person this word contains something different, personal, special and something in common more significant. Thinking about homeland, w
【摘要】公示语是在公众场合供大众看的语言文字,而推广类公示语指的是能够传递主旨思想,并且具有形象宣传作用的口号。它不仅能够反映一个景区特色,也集中体现了景区本身所蕴含的文化精髓。本文以生态翻译学为视角,从语言维度、交际维度、文化维度多方位探讨与山地旅游推广相关的公示语的英文翻譯。  【关键词】山地旅游;推广类公示语;翻译生态学;语言维度;交际维度;文化维度  【作者简介】郝利强(1987-),男,
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