Effect of heating rate on the densification of NdFeB alloys sintered by an electric field

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdfffasdf
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This study introduces a novel method of electric field sintering for preparing NdFeB magnets. NdFeB alloy compacts were all sintered by electric fields for 8 min at 1000?C with different preset heating rates. The characteristics of electric field sintering and the effects of heating rate on the sintering densification of NdFeB alloys were also studied. It is found that electric field sintering is a new non-pressure rapid sintering method for preparing NdFeB magnets with fine grains at a relatively lower sintering temperature and in a shorter sintering time. Using this method, the sintering temperature and process of the compacts can be controlled accurately. When the preset heating rate increasing from 5 to 2000?C/s the densification of NdFeB sintered compacts gradually improves. As the preset heating rate is 2000?C/s, Nd-rich phases are small, dispersed and uniformly distributed in the sintered compact, and the magnet has a better microstructure than that made by conventional vacuum sintering. Also, the maximum energy product of the sintered magnet reaches 95% of conventionally vacuum sintered magnets. This study introduces a novel method of electric field sintering for preparing NdFeB magnets. NdFeB alloy compacts were all sintered by electric fields for 8 min at 1000 ° C with different preset heating rates. The characteristics of electric field sintering and the effects of heating rate on the sintering densification of NdFeB alloys were also studied. It is found that electric field sintering is a new non-pressure rapid sintering method for preparing NdFeB magnets with a relatively lower sintering temperature and in a shorter sintering time. When the preset heating rate is from 2000 to 2000 C / s, the Nd-Fe-B alloy compacts can be controlled accurately rich phases are small, dispersed and uniformly distributed in the sintered compact, and the magnet has a better microstructure than that made by conventional vacuum s intering. Also, the maximum energy product of the sintered magnet reaches 95% of conventionally vacuum sintered magnets.
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