
来源 :湖南教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nickymin
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岳阳市为了帮助教学困难较大的中、青年小学教师进行文化补习,47个公社办起98个简师班,学员2773人。简师班由社办、医管,教师配备有两种情况:一是医配专职语、数教师二人,巡回面授,公社教育组配辅导受一至二人负责组织工作;二是区配总辅导员一人,社配兼职教师二人.除面授外,均需批阅学员作业.今年以来,按省中师函校骗的简师语、数教材进行教学,单科独进,学制二年。全年计划面授72课时,自学216课时,学校组织自学小组,校长兼任组长,每周集体学习2课时,个人自学4课时。学员参加面授和集体学习出勤情况及作业情况,每期由公社辅导员汇总报区函授站,区社向市进修学校汇报.每册教材考试二次(平时一次,结业一次),结业考试由市校统一命题,语数两科均结业的学员免试升入中函班学习.学员学籍卡由市校制定,公社辅导员管理。在教学中注意了两点:一、与现行小学教材内容及教学方法紧密结合,面授与自学紧密结合.二、妥善 In Yueyang City, in order to help primary and middle school teachers in primary schools with relatively difficult teaching to conduct cultural tutoring, 47 communes run 98 faculty classes with 2,773 trainees. There are two kinds of situations in the teacher’s class: social work full-time language, two teachers, two rounds of in-person training, one-to-two persons in charge of commune education and group counseling; the second is the total One counselor and two social service part-time teachers. In addition to face-to-face awards, students are required to read the assignments. This year, according to the provincial teachers’ letters, the teachers’ letters and textbooks were used to teach. During the year, 72 classes are face-to-face. When self-study 216 lessons, the school organizes a self-study group. The principal is concurrently the head of the school. Each group learns 2 lessons a week and personally learns 4 lessons. Participants participate in face-to-face and group learning attendance conditions and work conditions. Each session is reported by the commune counselor and reported to the district correspondence school. The district society reports to the City Continuing Education School. Each textbook has two examinations (once in a week, once for graduation), and the final exam is conducted by the city. Students with uniform propositions and students who have completed both vocabulary grades are exempted from studying in the middle class. Students’ student card is developed by the municipal school and managed by the counselor of the commune. There are two points in the teaching: First, it is closely integrated with the current primary school teaching materials and teaching methods, and face-to-face teaching and self-study are closely integrated.
青霉素已被公认是治疗早期钩端螺旋体病(简称钩体病)首选的抗菌药物。但使用首剂青霉素后有部分病人发生赫氏反应(Jarisch—Herxhei mer—Reaction 简称 JHR),使病情加重。
本文报告1例与急性暴发性乙型病毒性肝炎有关的心肌炎。患者男性,27岁。主诉恶心、呕吐、软弱、腹痛、腹泻和巩膜黄染4天而住院。查体脉搏100, This article reports 1 cas