
来源 :中国统一战线 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luckyhelen
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“统一战线”是我国政治生活中使用频率较高的一个词。这个词如何准确地翻译成英文,关系到具有中国特色的统一战线能否很好地为国外所理解和接受。最近,有些同志提出,“统一战线”一词的英文翻译似不够堆确,现翻译成的英文“united front”应为“联合阵线”。我们查看了有关资料并询问了有关专家,特将“统一战线”一词英文翻译的几个问题作一说明。 The “united front” is a frequently used word in our political life. How to accurately translate the word into English is related to whether the united front with Chinese characteristics can be well understood and accepted by foreign countries. Recently, some comrades suggested that the English translation of the word “united front” may not be adequate enough. The translated “united front” should now be the “United Front.” We reviewed the relevant information and asked relevant experts to give some explanations on several issues concerning the English translation of the word “united front.”
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