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从1977年河北定州集中开展打拐专项斗争开始,20年间,我们对拐卖妇女、儿童犯罪进行了持续不断的打击,从中取得了一些经验,归纳出来有以下几点。一、提高对打拐工作的认识,是搞好打拐工作的前提拐卖妇女、儿童犯罪,社会危害性极大:一是败坏了社会风气,损害了我们社会主义国家在国际上的形象和威信。1996年6月,国际刑警组织第十四届亚洲地区会议在曼谷召开时,越南代表就侵害妇女儿童犯罪问题进行了长篇发言,多次提到越南妇女被拐卖到中国,并宣称中国已成为贩卖妇女的主要市场;二是严重危害了社会治安秩序,破坏了社会主义婚姻家庭关系;三是侵害了妇女、儿童的基本权益,使受害者失去人格,身心遭受严重摧残;四是引发多种不安定因素,一些受害者的家属为找到亲人,变卖家产,精神失常,甚至含恨去世;还有的受害者亲属,异地串联,联合上访,严重影响了正常的生产和生活,同时在群众中造成恶劣影响。1995年,部分丢失儿童家长联合起来组成 From the beginning of the special campaign to crack down on trafficking in Hebei in 1977, we have carried out sustained attacks on the trafficking of women and children in the past 20 years and gained some experience from them. We can sum up the following points. First, raising awareness of crackdown work is a prerequisite for a successful crackdown on trafficking in women and children. It is a crime that is extremely harmful to society. First, it corrupts social norms and undermines the international image and prestige of our socialist countries. When the 14th Interpol Regional Meeting for Asia was held in Bangkok in June 1996, the representative of Vietnam made a long speech on the crimes against women and children. He repeatedly mentioned that Vietnamese women were trafficked into China and declared that China has become a trafficking Women’s major markets; the second is a serious endangerment of social order, undermining the socialist marriage and family relations; third is infringed the basic rights and interests of women and children, so that victims lose their personality, physically and mentally severely devastated; Fourth, lead to a variety of Stability factors, the families of some victims to find their loved ones, sell property, mental disorders, and even hate death; and relatives of victims, remote places in series, joint petition, seriously affected the normal production and life, at the same time caused by the masses Bad influence. In 1995, some of the lost children’s parents joined together
上海市哲学学会、上海社会科学院哲学研究所等单位最近联合召开“社会转型期与价值观”学术研讨会。近 5 0位专家教授到会。围绕着 5个主题展开热烈研讨 :1建国 5 0年 ,特别
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脑卒中部位与心电图改变的相关性探讨兰州军区总医院(730050)干部病房 刘吉林,段德新                兰州军区总医院神经内科 吴志英脑血循环障碍引起心电活动异常
过去一般认为 ,严重肺气肿是内科治疗疾病或外科仅仅有肺移植方法。在肺移植经验基础上 ,Cooper发明了肺减容手术[1] 。对于严重的肺气肿病人 ,肺减容 (lungvolumereductions