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年画历史源远流长,文化艺术独特,界定为中国画的一种,属于民间传统绘画中一门独立的画种,是以创作、刊印、流通的艺术商品形式展现中华民族固有的一种民间风俗文化现象。[1]年画的明显特性在于反映中国农村老百姓喜闻乐见的情境,与民间的世俗生活紧密联系。年画并不是一成不变的,不同时期的年画呈现出不同的特色,彰显着不同时期民间世俗风气,蕴涵民风寓意。其题材内容 The history of New Year paintings has a long history and unique culture and art. It is defined as a type of Chinese painting and belongs to an independent type of traditional folk painting. It is an inherently folk customs and culture phenomenon of the Chinese nation in the form of creative, printed and circulated art commodities. The obvious characteristics of New Year pictures are the situations that people in China’s rural areas love to hear and hear, and are closely linked with the secular life of the people. New Year pictures are not static, New Year paintings at different times show different characteristics, highlighting the different periods of folk customs, implies folk moral. Its theme content
市场分析目前全国塑料生产企业有近百万家,2007年全国塑料制品产量达到了315亿吨。由于近年来全球石油价格暴涨,从1974年每桶3美元到2008 Market Analysis At present, ther