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在高考语文试题中,诗歌鉴赏题为6—9分,举足轻重;能力层级属 E 级,可见其难度。真正提高美学鉴赏能力,那是长期甚至终生的事。有什么办法能在短期内提高学生的诗歌鉴赏能力,使之在高考中取得较好的成绩呢?这里介绍一种“快三步”法。第一步,从初、高中教材中挑选一些篇目,从鉴赏的角度重温。为什么这样走第一步呢?一、因为这些篇目都是教材上的,师生把旧课本拿来就行了,不需要到处去搜集,省事。二、这些篇目学生都学过,此时重温,有亲切感。三、容易对比。过去老师讲诗词,多注重作者介绍和对作品字句的讲解,较少涉及意境、韵味等。 In the language test of the college entrance examination, the title of the poem appreciation is 6-9 points, which is decisive. The ability level is Grade E, which shows its difficulty. Really improve the aesthetic appreciation ability, it is a long-term or even lifelong thing. Is there any way to improve students’ ability to appreciate poetry in the short term, so that they can achieve better results in the college entrance examination? Here is a “fast three step” method. The first step is to select some articles from the textbooks of the elementary and senior high schools and review them from the perspective of appreciation. Why do you take the first step? First, because these titles are all textbooks, teachers and students bring the old textbooks on the line, and do not need to be collected everywhere to save time. Second, these items are learned by students, at this time revisited, with a sense of intimacy. Third, easy comparison. In the past, the teacher talked about poems and paid more attention to the introduction of the author and the explanation of the words and phrases of the works. It was less concerned with artistic conception and charm.
我爱《思维与智慧》,因为她是:人文的天堂,精神的家园,快乐的驿站,心灵的盛宴。我爱《思维与智慧》,因为她是:思维的开发区,思想的后花 I love “thinking and wisdom”, be
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想起一個女子,39岁吧,正是女人一生中,即将叶落花残的时候,都以为不会再有什么变故,可以守着一份稳妥的工作,一个果实一样闻得见芳香的儿子,和严谨老成的丈夫,踏实地一日日过下去。偏偏,就在婚姻的列车,哐当哐当地开往平淡秋日去的一天,出了轨。  她并不是个善于表达的女人,与她相识许多年,都不曾听她有过抱怨,不似我们这些俗世中的女人,上班的时候,柴米油盐,公婆孩子,上涨物价,喋喋不休地,一个个数落过去。
我是一个含着金钥匙出生的人。事业上也顺风顺水,别人拼命追逐的东西,我手到擒来,顺理成章。这些都让我成了一个张扬的人,无论感情还是性格。 I am a person born with a go
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