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小学历史教材在编排上线索清晰,重点突出,内容精炼,图文并茂,既符合小学生的特点,又便于教师教学。要上好一堂历史课,必须在吃透教材、把握主题的基础上做到目的明确,方法适当,以期调动学生的学习积极性和主动性,在教学过程中结合实际采用读、讲、议、练的方式,效果一般都较好。读:小学历史教材,每课文字一般五百至七百字左右。可根据课文内容指导学生通读全文。通读可集中学生注意力,使学生对课文概貌有较全面的了解,又兼中国古代史文字较生,读时可帮助学生正音。可分个人读、小组读和全班齐读,读后教师进行评讲,以资鼓励。 The primary school history textbooks have clear clues in their arrangement, highlighting the focus, concise content and illustrations, which are in line with the characteristics of pupils and teachers. To take a good history class, we must achieve a clear purpose and a proper method on the basis of understanding the subject and grasping the subject, in order to mobilize the students’ enthusiasm and initiative, and use reading, speaking, discussion, and practice in the teaching process. The method, the effect is generally better. Reading: Elementary school history textbooks, each lesson is generally about 500 to 700 words. According to the content of the text, students can be guided to read the full text. Reading through can focus students’ attention, so that students can have a more comprehensive understanding of the text of the text, and also compared to the ancient Chinese history and text, students can help students learn to correct sound. It can be divided into personal reading, group reading and whole class reading. After reading, teachers can make assessments to encourage students.
作者报告2例原发性阳萎是由于海绵体间隙平滑肌纤维化及萎缩而引起的先天性缺损。两名病人都为年轻成人,诊断用阴茎多普勒超声及 The authors report 2 cases of primary i
肾上腺非功能性皮质腺瘤异位肾内,临床极为罕见.我们在实际工作中遇到1例,经手术和病理证实,报告如下: Adrenal non-functional cortical adenoma ectopic renal, clinical
报告以套入法尿道吻合治疗后尿道狭窄40例。着重介绍手术方法和操作要点,并对有关注意事项进行讨论。 The report of urethral anastomosis nested urethral stricture in 4