
来源 :陕西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lifei111
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此次土产会议是我们陕西省历史上未有的一次会议,这将对城乡互助,内外交流,加强工农团结巩固人民民主专政,发展生产繁荣经济,增进人民收入和国家经济建设起一定的作用。参加这次会议的包括有政府机关、国营贸易、合作、私商、交通、银行、税收等各方面的代表(有生产者有经营贩运者),特别还有兄弟区远 This indigenous conference is an unprecedented meeting of Shaanxi Province. It will play a certain role in helping each other in urban and rural areas, exchanging internal and external communications, strengthening the unity of workers and peasants and consolidating the people’s democratic dictatorship, and developing the productive economy, increasing people’s incomes and national economic construction. Attending the conference included government agencies, state-owned trade, cooperation, private business, transportation, banking, taxation and other aspects of the representatives (producers have to run traffickers), in particular, there are brothers
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目的探讨磁共振动态增强扫描及磁共振弥散加权成像(diffusion weighted imaging,DWI)对肝癌经导管动脉内化学栓塞(transcatheter arterial chemoembolization,TACE)治疗后的