
来源 :长安大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forgauss
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本文阐述用内燃机稳定工况台架试验最低比燃料消耗量ge(g/K w·h)作为内燃机使用中经济性指标的局限性,当内燃机用于运输机械时问题将更加突出。文中列举了用这一指标来评价某些车用发动机的经济性,尤其是在评定一些节油效果时,会给出与实际情况有很大出入甚至是矛盾的结论。本文以车用内燃机为例,建议用概率统计法找到一些典型的运行工况,并用所建议的多种工况和不稳定工况油耗率计算法来计算汽车运行燃料经济性,并以此来证明用多工况测定汽车运行油耗的正确性,进而提出建立汽车多工况路试规范的基本思想及其制定原则。文中还提出不稳定工况台架经济性试验法的初步设想,以供讨论和研究。 This paper describes the limitations of using the lowest specific fuel consumption ge (g / K w · h) as the economic index in the use of internal combustion engines under the steady condition test of the internal combustion engine. The problems will be more prominent when the internal combustion engine is used to transport the machinery. This article lists the use of this indicator to evaluate the economy of some automotive engines, especially in assessing some of the fuel-efficient effects, will give a very different from the actual situation or even contradictory conclusions. In this paper, the internal combustion engine is taken as an example. It is suggested that some typical operating conditions should be found by using the probability and statistics method, and the fuel economy of the operation of the automobile should be calculated by using the proposed multiple operating conditions and the fuel economy calculation method under unstable conditions. It proves that the correctness of the fuel consumption of the automobile is determined by using the multi-conditions, and then the basic idea of ​​establishing the road test specification of the multi-vehicle condition and the formulation principles are put forward. The article also put forward the tentative tentative plan of economic test method for unstable working condition bench for discussion and research.
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美国供应管理协会(ISM)作为当今世界上影响最大、最受推崇的采购与供应管理专业组织,自1974年推出注册采购经理职业资格(Certified Purcha-sing Manager,简称C.P.M.)认证项
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一种采用六角状蜂窝结构造型,由特殊胶粘剂、蜂窝状纸芯和复合面板组成的新型环保阻燃蜂窝复合墙体材料,使以纸代土的设想向现实迈进了一大步。 A new type of green flame-