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66.今年我市在引进工作方面取得了重大成就。【误】Cette année,notre ville a connu des succès considérables dans letravail d importation.汉语中,有些用词和表达法显得过于空泛、含糊,比如本句中的“引进工作”,究竟是指引进人才,还是引进技术遇此情形,法译时特别需要 66. This year, the city has made great achievements in the introduction of its work. In Chinese, some words and expressions seem too vague, vague, such as the phrase “the introduction of work”, whether it refers to the introduction of talent, or is it In the case of the introduction of technology in this case, the French translation of the special needs
当前 ,西方国家的一些经济调整大大刺激了建筑业的发展和需求 ,这为我国建材产品的出口提供了有利条件。我国建筑陶瓷企业应努力调整产品结构 ,提高产品质量和档次 ,尽快在国
The present paper is a brief introduction about the academic accomplishments of the archaeologist An Jinhuai. In the more than 50 years of his archaeological career, Prof. An directed excavations on dozens of large-sized ancient sites and diggings of anci
【波兰《政治》周刊10月15日一期文章】题:学生和教授如何发现了链霉素(卡尔·马拉莫罗施) 原编者按 50年前曾宣布在人与结核病的斗争中取得了辉煌胜利:发现了链霉素。1952
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