
来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xunzhaogancao
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近期,省厅把认真学习和全面贯彻落实十六届三中全会精神,作为各级党组织当俞和今后一个时期的重要任务,认真组织,联系实际,以实行动促进劳动保障事业发展。领导重视,带头宣讲,不断加大学习力度。省厅党组高度重视,先后4次召开党组会、中心组学习扩大会进行学习贯彻,及时发出了《关于学习贯彻十六届三中全会的通知》,对全厅的学习进行部署。党组带头,从我做起。每个厅党组成员和厅领导不仅做到先学一点、多学一点、学深一点,写学习心得体会,还分兵把口,先后召开了11场不同层次和范围的学习贯彻座谈会,并分别在全厅党员干部及群众大会作贯彻十六届三中全会的动员辅导。在党组带头,抓好处级干部学习的基础上,各单位加强了对一般党员干 Recently, the ministry and the department have conscientiously studied and fully implemented the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, as an important task for party organizations at all levels during the next period, and conscientiously organized and linked up with reality so as to promote the development of the labor and social security undertaking. Leaders attach importance to take the lead in preaching, and constantly increase their learning efforts. The party and government departments of the ministries and agencies attached great importance to this and held party meetings for 4 times successively. The center group learned and expanded the study and timely issued the “Notice on Learning and Carrying out the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee,” and carried out the study of the entire hall. Party group take the lead, start from me. Each hall party members and hall leadership not only to learn a little, learn more, learn a little, write learning experience, but also divide the soldiers to the mouth, has held 11 different levels and scope of the study and implementation of the forum, and respectively In the entire party members and cadres and mass general assembly for the implementation of the Third Plenary Session of the mobilization of counseling. On the basis that the party group takes the lead and grasps the study of cadres at the department level and higher level, all units have stepped up their efforts in handling general party members