与时俱进 执著追求──记全国人大代表济南绿色兔业集团公司总裁王玉梅

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前不久,在全国工商联第八届五次执委会上,记者慕名走访了最年轻的执委王玉梅。如果不是亲眼所见,我怎么也不敢相信,眼前这位白净腼腆的脸蛋上架着一幅金丝边眼镜,看上去是一个十分文雅的女孩,竞是拥有总资产近亿元的济南绿色兔业集团公司总裁、山东绿色科技股份公司董事长。在与这位有着世界家兔科学协会中国分会副主席、全国人大代表、团中央委员、中国首届十大杰出青年农民、全国青年科技星火带头人标兵、山东省省属私营企业工作委员会副主任等各种头衔的28岁姑娘交谈时,她时时出语惊人,展现了清醒的头脑、敏锐的市场观念、敢想敢为勇于开拓的精神风貌。市场经济已使她成为精神干练、有头脑、有思想的实业家。这一切,不由得使人顿生敬佩之情。在竞争激烈的市场经济大潮中,看起来没有任何优势、难以有所作为的农家姑娘王玉梅,凭着历尽挫折仍奋然前行的执著追求精神,建成了现代化的大型兔业集团,闯出了一条通向小康的致富路子,为农村青年依靠科技致富提供了样板,展示了社会主义青年农民企业家的崭新形象。我们愿全国广大农村青年都能象王玉梅一样,在农村这个广阔的天地里找准自己的位置,创造出一番宏伟大业。 Not long ago, at the Eighth Executive Committee of the Eighth National Committee of the Chinese People’s Federation, the reporter visited the youngest executive commissioner Wang Yumei. If you do not see it with my own eyes, how can I not believe it, the eyes of the white netted face framed with a gold-rimmed glasses, looks very elegant girl is competing with nearly 100 million yuan in total assets of Jinan Green Rabbit Group Corporation President, Shandong Green Technology Co., Ltd. Chairman. With the vice chairman of China Branch of the World Rabbit Science Association, NPC deputies, Central Committee members, the first ten outstanding young peasants in China, the pacesetter of the National Youth Science and Technology Spark leader, the deputy director of the provincial private industry work committee of Shandong Province When talking about the 28-year-old girl with various titles, she was an astonishing person with a clear mind, a keen market concept and a daring spirit to pioneer. The market economy has made her a capable, thoughtful and thoughtful businesswoman. All this, can not help but make people suddenly admired. In the highly competitive market economy tide, Wang Yumei, a farmer who seems to have no advantage and is hard to make a difference, built a large-scale modernized large-scale rabbit group by breaking through the persistent pursuit of degeneration. A road leading to a well-to-do way of getting rich has provided a model for rural youth relying on science and technology to get rich, and has demonstrated the brand-new image of socialist young peasant entrepreneurs. We hope that the vast majority of rural youth throughout the country, like Wang Yumei, can find their place in this vast world of rural areas and create some great cause.
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