谈谈葡萄的栽培和管理 第二讲 六、七月的葡萄农事

来源 :上海农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanwuhui
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一、六月农事本月份正值葡萄幼果迅速膨大期,江南地区进入梅雨季节,阴雨天多,日照少,湿度高,田间杂草滋长快,葡萄容易发病。在土壤过湿的情况下,如果排水不良,会影响根系生长,故本月农事重点是田间排水、施肥和病虫防治。 (一)成年树的管理 1.田间排水:疏通排水沟,做到排水畅,雨后行间毛沟不积水。地下水位高的地块,更要深沟高畦,降低地下水位。排水不良的园子,土壤中水多气少,深层土根系呼吸窒息,部分细根死亡,致使新梢基部叶片开始黄化,不久脱落(图1)。 Agriculture in June and June This year coincided with the rapid expansion of young grapevine. In the rainy season, the southern part of the province was flooded with rainy days with low sunshine and high humidity. The growth of weeds in the field was quick and grapes were easy to get sick. In the case of soil over-wetting, if poor drainage will affect root growth, the focus of this month’s agricultural work is field drainage, fertilization and pest control. (A) of the adult tree management 1 field drainage: to clear the drainage ditches, so smooth drainage, after the rain line of furrows without water. Groundwater level of high land, but also to deep furrows, lower groundwater level. Poor drainage of the garden, the soil less water and gas, deep roots of respiratory suffocation, part of the fine root death, resulting in shoots at the base of the leaves began to yellow, soon off (Figure 1).
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身体肥胖的人走路时,骨盆和腰椎会不由自主地向前倾斜,重心前移,腰部受力就会变大。如果鞋子穿得不合适,导致受力不均,损害的不仅是脚,还会造成腰部的劳损。 Body obese peo