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湖北远安县图书馆充分发挥馆藏图书资料优势,主动参与“科技兴农”大合唱,积极探索为“科技兴农”服务的新路子。他们的主要做法是: ——建立农村科技信息网络。为落实党的十三届五中全会精神,该馆采取得力措施,加强“科技兴农”服务工作,自去年起,在馆内成立了专职机构——“信息服务站”。其任务是:为基层及时提供急需的经济信息、技术资料;收集整理发布与振兴地方经济有关的新资料,及时反馈基层科技服务效果与建议需求。信息服务站在全县9个乡镇聘请了20名农村科技信息员,定期召开信息员工作会议,布置工作,交流经验,专题研讨。科技信息员任务有三:一是传递信 Yuan’an County Library, Hubei Province, took full advantage of the advantages of library books and took the initiative to participate in the “chorus of rejuvenating agriculture with science and technology” and actively explored a new way of serving “developing agriculture by science and technology.” Their main approach is: - To establish a rural science and technology information network. To implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, the museum adopted effective measures to strengthen the service of “rejuvenating agriculture through science and technology”. Since last year, a specialized agency “Information Service Station” has been set up in the museum. Its mission is: to provide the grassroots with much-needed economic information and technical information in a timely manner; collect, collate and release new information on the rejuvenation of the local economy and timely feedback on the effects and suggestions of grass-roots science and technology services. Information service station in nine townships in the county hired 20 rural science and technology information workers, regular information workers held a meeting, layout, exchange of experience, seminars. There are three tasks of science and technology information workers: First, pass the letter
按原定计划,王文元副省长要到会讲话,由于身体欠佳,不能来了。他准备了一份书面讲话稿,由我代他宣读一下,会议后打印发给大家,带回传达落实。(宣读王副省长书面讲话略) 文化
胎儿在子宫内发育的迟缓状态称为宫内胎儿发育迟缓(intrauterine fetal growth retardation,IUGR)。其围产期死亡率、新生儿期死亡率为正常胎儿的6~8倍,远期预后脑性瘫痪的发
一、加强领导,精心筹划,促进图书馆事业发展“七五”期间,我市公共图书馆事业有了较大的发展。主要表现在: 第一,改善了办馆设施。1989年,全市公共图书馆已由1985年的7所增
根据美国《化学文摘资料来源索引》季刊,1988年第4期(Chemical Abstracts Service Source IndexQuarterly,Issue 4,1988)公布,该编纂年度(1987年7月至1988年6月),我国化学化
一、会议概况 1990年3月31日至4月2日,辽宁省文化厅在本溪市召开了“辽宁省公共图书馆工作会议”。全省14个市文化局主管局长、科长、省市图书馆、市少儿图书馆馆长及部分县
本文报告用蓖麻油煎鸡蛋(CE—90)于晚期妊娠的引产和催产248例,总有效率为93.14%,其中引产组有效率83.33%.催产组为96.70%。笔者认为本法简单,安全,可靠,而且经济。 In this pa
介绍了小浪底电站地下厂房通风系统设计原则、当前运行状况、测试方案、结露、雾化的原因及解决方法。 The design principles, current operating conditions, test scheme