All-dielectric frequency selective surface design based on dielectric resonator

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shao402248950
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In this work,we propose an all-dielectric frequency selective surface(FSS) composed of periodically placed highpermittivity dielectric resonators and a three-dimensional(3D) printed supporter.Mie resonances in the dielectric resonators offer strong electric and magnetic dipoles,quadrupoles,and higher order terms.The re-radiated electric and magnetic fields by these multipoles interact with the incident fields,which leads to total reflection or total transmission in some special frequency bands.The measured results of the fabricated FSS demonstrate a stopband fractional bandwidth(FBW)of 22.2%,which is consistent with the simulated result. In this work, we propose an all-dielectric frequency selective surface (FSS) composed of periodically placed highpermittivity dielectric resonators and a three-dimensional (3D) printed supporter .Mie resonances in the dielectric resonators offer strong electric and magnetic dipoles, quadrupoles, and higher order terms. The re-radiated electric and magnetic fields by these multipoles interact with the incident fields, which leads to total reflection or total transmission in some special frequency bands. The measured results of the fabricated FSS demonstrate a stopband fractional bandwidth (FBW) of 22.2%, which is consistent with the simulated result.
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