树立品牌形象 服务西部大开发

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水钢是1966年“三线建设”时期兴建的国有大型钢铁联合企业。现有职工2.78万人,资产总额41.8亿元,主体生产设施已具有年产铁、钢各130万吨、钢材120万吨的综合生产能力,是我省最大的钢铁企业。水钢自1970年建成投产以来,对贵州的经济发展作出了重大贡献。但是,作为“三线建设”时期兴建的企业,发展的基础相对软弱,尤其是在计划经济向市场经济转轨的过程中,各种矛盾和深层次的问题更加突出。1994年下半年开始,水钢经济效益逐年下滑,到1996年亏损额累计超过5亿元,资产负债率高达91.13%。成为贵州省和全国冶金行业的亏损大户。1997年以来。水钢的困难和问题引起了国家、省委、省政府的高度重视,各级领导采取加强管理,深入改革等措施,使水钢从一个濒临崩溃边缘的特困企业逐步摆脱困境,重显生机与活力,1998年在提前完成国务院领导对水钢提出的三年实现扭亏为盈目标的艰巨任务后,1999年又实现利润6750万元。 Shuigang is a state-owned large-scale iron and steel conglomerate built in 1966 and under the construction of the “three-lane construction”. The existing staff of 27,800 people, the total assets of 4.18 billion yuan, the main production facilities have an annual output of iron and steel of 1.3 million tons, 1.2 million tons of steel comprehensive production capacity, is the largest iron and steel enterprises in our province. Since its completion in 1970, Shuishui has made a significant contribution to the economic development of Guizhou. However, as the enterprises built during the “third line construction” period, the foundation for their development is relatively weak. Especially in the process of transition from a planned economy to a market economy, various contradictions and deep-seated problems are more conspicuous. Beginning of the second half of 1994, the economic benefits of Shuigang slipped to more than 500 million yuan in 1996, with a gearing ratio of 91.13%. Become a big loser in Guizhou Province and the national metallurgical industry. Since 1997. The difficulties and problems of Shuigang Steel have drawn great attention from the state, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and the leaders at all levels have taken such measures as strengthening management and deepening the reform so that Shuigang can gradually get out of its predicament from a particularly sleepy enterprise on the verge of collapse, In 1998, after accomplishing the arduous task of leading the State Council under the leadership of the State Council to make the goal of turning losses into profit for the past three years, in 1998, it realized a profit of 67.5 million yuan in 1999.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。2005年1月20日~2月21日鸡蛋、淘汰鸡、玉米、豆粕价格信息$北京华都峪口禽业有限责任公司 Please download to view, this artic
该文结合英诗格律基础知识分析了三首经典诗歌,《深红的花瓣睡着了》《西风颂》以及《奇隆古堡》 Based on the basic knowledge of English poetry, this article analyzes