Apoptosis of breast cancer cell MCF-7 induced by morcantharidin(NCTD)

来源 :Cell Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangjue419
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To study the cytotoxic effects and antitumour mechanism of norcantharidin(NCTD) on human breast cancer cell, MCF-7 cells were exposed to culture medium with NCTD in different doses and hours. The cell growth inhibition curves of NCTD on MCF-7 cells were acquired by detecting the growth ratio of MCF-7 cells with MTT methods. The results indicated that NCTD had inhibition effects on growth of MCF-7 cells depending on the doses and times of treatment. When the concentrations of NCTD used was lower than 5 μg/ml, the cells grew as same as the control cells. With increasing doses and times of treatment, the inhibition effects of NCTD on the cells’ growth increased, for example, when exposed to 10 μg/ml NCTD To study the cytotoxic effects and antitumor mechanism of norcantharidin (NCTD) on human breast cancer cells, MCF-7 cells were exposed to culture medium with NCTD in different doses and hours. The cell growth inhibition curves of NCTD on MCF-7 cells were acquired by detecting the growth rate of MCF-7 cells with MTT methods. The results indicated that NCTD had inhibition effects on growth of MCF-7 cells depending on the doses and times of treatment. When the concentrations of NCTD used was lower than 5 μg / ml, the cells grew as same as the control cells. With increasing doses and times of treatment, the inhibition effects of NCTD on the cells’ growth increased, for example, when exposed to 10 μg / ml NCTD
多棱角玻璃陈设架 (西德专利5922452) 它由玻璃制成,经玻璃多种角度的折射和反射使架上的物品更显琳琅满目、光彩照人。该陈设架由双侧架1’2与中心架3铰接而成,彼此可绕轴