Ruptured high flow gastric varices with an intratumoral arterioportal shunt treated with balloon-occ

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sd63hs63s3
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A patient presented with hematemesis due to gastric variceal bleeding with an intratumoral arterioportal shunt. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed gastric varices and hepatocellular carcinoma with tumor thrombi in the right portal vein. Angiography and angio-CT revealed a marked intratumoral arterioportal shunt accompanied with re? ux into the main portal vein and gastric varices. Balloon-occluded retrograde venography from the gastro-renal shunt showed no visualization of gastric varices due to rapid blood flow through the intratumoral arterioportal shunt. The hepatic artery was temporarily occluded with a balloon catheter to reduce the blood ? ow through the arterioportal shunt, and then concurrent balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) was achieved. Vital signs stabilized immediately thereafter, and contrast-enhanced CT revealed thrombosed gastric varices. Worsening of hepatic function was not recognized. BRTO combined with temporary occlusion of the hepatic artery is a feasible interventional procedure for ruptured high ? ow gastric varices with an intratumoral arterioportal shunt. A patient presented with hematemesis due to gastric variceal bleeding with an intratumoral arterioportal shunt. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed gastric varices and hepatocellular carcinoma with tumor thrombi in the right portal vein. Angiography and angio-CT revealed a marked intratumoral arterioportal shunt accompanied with re? Balloon-occluded retrograde venography from the gastro-renal shunt showed no visualization of gastric varices due to rapid blood flow through the intratumoral arterioportal shunt. The hepatic artery was temporarily occluded with a balloon catheter to reduce The blood? ow through the arterioportal shunt, and then concurrent balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) was achieved. Vital signs stabilized immediately thereafter, and contrast-enhanced CT revealed thrombosed gastric varices. WTOening of hepatic function was not recognized. BRTO combined with temporary occlusion of the hepatic artery i s a feasible interventional procedure for ruptured high? ow gastric varices with an intratumoral arterioportal shunt.
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