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古老而神秘的亚马逊河,蕴育了世界上最大的原始森林,那里至今还居住着35万印第安人,他们是南美洲最早的主人。印第安人守卫在丛林深处,保留着祖先留下来的文化传统,以狩猎、捕鱼和简单的农业为生。过着与世隔绝的生活。一个小个子的东方人,却异乎寻常地走到了他们当中,创造了一个神话般的故事,前后两次共买走了1000平方公里森林,面积相当于中国的第三大岛——崇明岛。他还请印第安人部落酋长出山,担任企业产品形象代言人。卢伟光,一个脑袋喜欢异想天开、脚步走得踏踏实实的上海企业家,命中注定是要与这些森林、与这些印第安人紧紧联系在一起了。十年时间,他使一个排名5000名外的经营安信地板的小公司。成为拥有中国实木地板第一品牌的民营企业。他本人也荣获“2004年度中国民营经济十大风云人物”称号。他曾陪同胡锦涛主席出访拉美四国,受到胡主席的亲切接见。胡主席高兴地和他握手问候,勉励他在巴西深交朋友,广交朋友,积极融入当地社会。在巴西,在瑞士,在上海,他和巴西总统卢拉有过六次晤面。卢拉总统亲切地拍着他的肩膀说:“一万个巴西家庭与你息息相关”。他参与了全球森林保护和开发标准的制定,市领导称赞他创造了上海企业跨出国门的典范。下一步,他又把目光瞄准了拥有广阔原始森林的俄罗斯。“南美、非洲、俄罗斯,世界三大森林产地,我都要涉足”他说。 The ancient and mysterious Amazon River contains the largest virgin forest in the world, where 350,000 Indians still live and are the earliest hosts in South America. Indians guard the depths of the jungle, retaining the cultural heritage left by their ancestors, hunting, fishing and simple agriculture for a living. Live a life of isolation. A small, oriental man walked into them unusually and created a fabulous story. He purchased 1,000 square kilometers of forest in total twice before, and the area is equivalent to Chongming Island, the third largest island in China. He also invited Indian tribal chiefs to set foot in the mountains and serve as spokesperson for corporate product image. Lo Wai-kwong, a Shanghai entrepreneur who likes to be whimsical and paced, is destined to be bound up with these forests and these Indians. Ten years later, he made a small company ranking 5000 outside the business floor. Become the first brand of China’s solid wood flooring private enterprises. He himself also won the title of “Top Ten Man of the Chinese Private Economy in 2004”. He accompanied President Hu Jintao to visit Latin American and Chinese countries and was cordially received by President Hu. President Hu happily shook his hand to greet him and encouraged him to make more friends in Brazil, to make friends and actively integrate with the local community. In Brazil, in Switzerland, in Shanghai, he met with Brazilian President Lula six times. President Lula patted him on the shoulder affectionately: “Ten thousand Brazilian families are closely associated with you.” He participated in the formulation of global standards for forest protection and development, and city leaders praised him for creating a model for Shanghai enterprises to go abroad. In the next step, he again set his sights on Russia, which had vast primeval forests. “South America, Africa, Russia, the world’s three major forest producing areas, I have to get involved ” he said.
近年来,江西省丰城市纪委、监察局把优化经济发展环境作为自己义不容辞的职责,着力加大机关效能监察力度,严肃查处损害经济发展环境行为,通过持续的整治,树立起了丰城环 In
如果说媒体是企业的战略资源,那么电视媒体就相当于企业的石油,是企业战略资源中最核心的一种。如果说在一般电视台进行的营销传播是企业的常规武器,那么在 If media is the