根深本固 源远流长──两岸合著《台湾先住民史》记

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由大陆学者史式教授和台湾学者黄大受教授共同撰写的《台湾先住民史》,已由大陆九洲图书出版社出版,并在海峡两岸学术界引起了较为强烈反响。两岸联手著华章追根寻源,这两位皆已年近八旬的老学者,跨越台湾海峡、联手著书的前因后果,其本身就极富传奇色彩。史式教授现为中? The book entitled “The First History of Taiwanese in Taiwan” co-authored by professor Shi Tai-wen of mainland China and professor Tai-shu of Taiwan, has been published by the Mainland Jiuzhou Publishing House and has aroused strong repercussions among the academic circles across the Taiwan Strait. Both sides of the Taiwan Strait together to trace the roots of the Chinese chapter, both of whom are nearly eighty years old scholars across the Taiwan Strait, jointly with the book of the causes and consequences, itself is legendary. Professor of history is now in?
续志无疑要把改革开放和社会发展所取得的巨大成绩写足,但也不可忽视对一些问题的记述。笔者试就此谈点看法。 一、关于经济编问题 改革开放20年,祖国发生了翻天覆地的变化,经济发