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音乐课如何做到以音乐为本是值得音乐教师深思的话题。音乐教师在课堂上要更多地发挥音乐本身的审美特点,用音乐来教音乐,通过演唱、聆听和积累,让学生能够深刻地感受、体验和理解音乐。教师对教材的把握要以音乐为本,使音乐课有音乐的味道,有音乐的魅力;课堂的组织要以音乐为本,将学生的一切发展落实在音乐学习活动中。学生的感悟要以音乐为本,在音乐活动中学生主动地去探寻、领悟、体验时,对音乐知识技能的真正理解和掌握,特别是对音乐的欣赏与创造,才会成为可能。 How to make music lessons based on music is a topic worth pondering by music teachers. Music teachers in the classroom to give more play to the aesthetic characteristics of the music itself, with music to teach music, through singing, listening and accumulation, so that students can profoundly experience, experience and understand the music. Teachers grasp the teaching materials should be based on music, so that the music has the taste of music, the charm of music; classroom organization should be music-based, all the students in the implementation of the music learning activities. The students’ perception should be based on music. When the students take the initiative to explore, comprehend and experience the music activities, it is possible to have a true understanding and mastery of the knowledge and skills of music, especially the appreciation and creation of music.
To remove cesium ions from water and soil, a novel adsorbent was synthesized by following a one-step co-precipitation method and using non-toxic raw materials.
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题:已知f(x)是定义在[0,1]上的非负函数,且f(1)=1,对任意x,y,x+y∈[0,1]都有:f(x+y)≥f(x)+f(y),求证:f(x)≤2x(x∈[0,1]).本题为2011年清华大学保送生考试题,难度 Problem:
临床资料    患者,女,哈萨克族,42岁。以头晕、乏力、食欲减退、心慌胸闷3个月,加重伴嗜睡呕吐1周,于2001年3月20日来院。既往有贫血病史16年,曾到多家医院就诊。查体:T3