In situ modifed screen printed and carbon paste ion selective electrodes for potentiometric determin

来源 :Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveherway110
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The construction and performance characteristics of new sensitive and selective in situ modifed screen printed(ISPE)and carbon paste(ICPE)electrodes for determination of naphazoline hydrochloride(NPZ-HCl)have been developed.The electrodes under investigation show potentiometric response for NPZ-HCl in the concentration range from 7.0 10–7to 1.0 10–2M at 25 1C and the electrode response is independent of pH in the range of 3.1–7.9.These sensors have slope values of59.770.6 and 59.270.2 mV decade 1with detection limit values of 5.6 10–7and 5.9 10–7M NPZHCl using ISPE and ICPE,respectively.These electrodes show fast response time of 4–7 s and 5–8 s and exhibits lifetimes of 28 and 30 days for ISPE and ICPE,respectively.Selectivity for NPZ-HCl with respect to a number of interfering materials was also investigated.It was found that there is no interference from the investigated inorganic cations,anions,sugars and other pharmaceutical excipients.The proposed sensors were applied for the determination of NPZ-HCl in pharmaceutical formulation using the direct potentiometric method.It showed a mean average recovery of 100.2%and 102.6%for ISPE and ICPE,respectively.The obtained results using the proposed sensors were in good agreement with those obtained using the offcial method.The proposed sensors show signifcantly high selectivity,response time,accuracy,precision,limit of detection(LOD)and limit of quantifcation(LOQ)compared with other proposed methods. The construction and performance characteristics of new sensitive and selective in situ modifed screen printed (ISPE) and carbon paste (ICPE) electrodes for determination of naphazoline hydrochloride (NPZ-HCl) have been developed. These electrodes under investigation show potentiometric response for NPZ-HCl in the concentration range from 7.0 10-7to 1.0 10-2M at 25 1C and the electrode response is independent of pH in the range of 3.1-7.9.These sensors have slope values ​​of 59.770.6 and 59.270.2 mV decade 1 with detection limit values of 5.6 10-7 and 5.9 10-7 M NPZHCl using ISPE and ICPE, respectively. These selections show fast response time of 4-7 s and 5-8 s and exhibits lifetimes of 28 and 30 days for ISPE and ICPE, respectively. Selectivity for NPZ-HCl with respect to a number of interfering materials was also investigated. It was found that there is no interference from the investigated inorganic cations, anions, sugars and other pharmaceutical excipients. The proposed sensors were appli ed for the determination of NPZ-HCl in pharmaceutical formulation using the direct potentiometric method. It showed a mean average recovery of 100.2% and 102.6% for ISPE and ICPE, respectively. The resulting results using the proposed sensors were in good agreement with those obtained using the offcial method. The proposed sensors show signifcantly high selectivity, response time, accuracy, precision, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) compared with other proposed methods.
1996年底 ,我获得了一次到月亮山考察苗民过鼓藏节的机会。这一年我被单位派往黔南某镇挂职扶贫 ,工作队的工作已接近尾声 ,恰在这时我得知月亮山地区苗民要举行十三年一度的吃鼓
鉴于女性更年期综合征的发病率较高。为此,作者对58例女性更年期综合征患者进行了家庭干预。现将结果报告于后。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 本文对象共58例,均符合CCMD-2-R中更年期
糖尿病患者因糖和脂肪代谢障碍 ,促进和加重了动脉硬化的进程 ,又因降糖药物和抗生素的广泛应用使其寿命明显延长 ,致使急性脑血管病 (ACVD)发病率明显增高。1 临床资料1.1
重症肌无力危象 (MGC)是神经科急诊之一 ,现将我们近期参加抢救治疗的 2例报道并讨论如下。例 1男 ,36岁。因发热 1周伴胸闷、呼吸困难两天于 1996年 7月 2 7日入院。 1986年
蝮蛇咬伤为江南地区夏秋季常见的急诊病。蝮蛇毒是以血循毒为主的混合毒 ,对循环系统损害严重。可引起溶血、凝血异常 ,心肌变性、水肿、坏死等 ,同时可损伤其他脏器。治疗毒
目的建立同时测定葡萄酒中的12种人工合成色素的固相萃取-超高效液相色谱(SPE-UPLC)分析方法。方法葡萄酒样品经OASIS WAX固相萃取小柱净化和富集,然后进行UPLC分析。采用反