Upconversion luminescence of Y_2O_3:Er~(3+), Yb~(3+) nanoparticles prepared by a homogeneous precipi

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjx0128
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Y2O3: Er3+, Yb3+ nanoparticles were synthesized by a homogeneous precipitation method without and with different concentrations of EDTA 2Na. Upconversion luminescence spectra of the samples were studied under 980 nm laser excitation. The results of XRD showed that the obtained Y2O3:Er3+,Yb3+ nanoparticles were of a cubic structure. The average crystallite sizes calculated were in the range of 28-40 nm. Green and red upconversion emission were observed, and attributed to 2H11/ 2,4S3/ 2→4I15/ 2 and 4F9/ 2→4I15/2 transitions of the Er3+ ion, respectively. The ratio of the intensity of green emission to that of red emission drastically changed with a change in the EDTA 2Na concentration. In the sample synthesized without EDTA, the relative intensity of the green emission was weaker than that of the red emission. The relative intensities of green emission increased with the increased amount of EDTA 2Na used. The possible upconversion luminescence mechanisms were discussed. Y2O3: Er3 +, Yb3 + nanoparticles were synthesized by a homogeneous precipitation method without and with different concentrations of EDTA 2Na. Upconversion luminescence spectra of the samples were studied under 980 nm laser excitation. The results of XRD showed that the obtained Y2O3: Er3 +, Yb3 + nanoparticles The average crystallite sizes were calculated in the range of 28-40 nm. Green and red upconversion emissions were observed, and attributed to 2H11 / 2,4S3 / 2 → 4I15 / 2 and 4F9 / 2 → 4I15 / 2 transitions of the Er3 + ion, respectively. The ratio of the intensity of green emission to that of red emission drastically changed with a change in the EDTA 2Na concentration. In the sample synthesized without EDTA, the relative intensity of the green emission was weaker than that of the red emission. The relative intensities of green emission increased with the increased amount of EDTA 2Na used. The possible upconversion luminescence mechanisms were discussed.
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