《钱镜清与水溶液全循环尿素工艺》(2012年珍藏版 钱镜清著)征订启事

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新书简介《钱镜清与水溶液全循环尿素工艺》叙述了笔者自1958年开始接触尿素工艺,到参与国内中小型尿素装置的设计、建设、生产和不断改进完善的全过程,涵盖了笔者从事尿素工作50余年的体会、认识,以及丰富的实践经验累积,是尿素行业广大工程技术人员和生产工人不可多得的实用型工具书。本书对《水溶液全循环工艺尿素装置操作指南(2005年版)》进行了修订,并增加了第一卷部分内容以及第四卷内容(全书分为四卷)。此新增内容主要为,介绍水溶液全循环尿素工艺技术的发展历程,当时面临的行业状况,所进行的摸索和改进,以及笔者思想体系的形成、完善;论文部分则侧重于对问题的分析,强调各项改进措施尽量不增加系统阻力的重要性,以及水平衡理念在改造和优化操作中的应用,以期形成更系统、全面而又具体的认识,加深行业人员对水溶液全循环工艺的理解,并为水溶液全循环工艺装置的增产降耗、焕发新的活力 Introduction to the new book “Qian Jingqing and Aqueous Cyclic Urea Process” describes the author from 1958 began to contact urea process to participate in the design, construction, production and continuous improvement of domestic small and medium urea plant the entire process, covering the author engaged in urea Work more than 50 years of experience, understanding, as well as a wealth of practical experience accumulated, the vast majority of urea industry engineering and technical personnel and production of rare practical tool books. The book on the “Aqueous Urinals complete cycle of operating instructions (2005 edition)” was revised, and added the first volume of the fourth volume and volume (the book is divided into four volumes). This new content mainly introduces the development history of the urea cycle technology of aqueous solution, the status of the industry at that time, the exploration and improvement, and the formation and improvement of the author’s ideology system. The thesis part focuses on the analysis of the problems, Emphasize the importance of the improvement measures as far as possible without increasing the system resistance and the application of the water balance concept in the process of transformation and optimization so as to form a more systematic, comprehensive and specific understanding and deepen the understanding of the industry personnel on the whole circulation process of the aqueous solution, And for the entire solution of aqueous solution process equipment increase production and consumption, full of new vitality
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目的 了解中国人早发及多发糖尿病家系中肝细胞核因子 HNF-1α基因突变发生情况. 方法应用聚合酶链反应-单链构象多态性技术和测序方法对247名无亲缘关系上海地区中国人[其中93名为正常对照者,154例为早发和(或)多发糖尿病家系先证者]进行 HNF-1α基因启动子区、10个外显子及其侧翼内含子区筛查. 结果在154例糖尿病家系先证者者中见到14种碱基改变. 3种改变未见于93名非糖尿病者,其中启