Analysis theory of random energy of train derailment in wind

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TimRealler
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Based on the analysis theory of random energy of train derailment, an analysis theory of random energy of train derailment in wind is suggested. Two methods are proposed -the time domain method and the frequency domain method of analysis theory of random energy of train derailment in wind. The curves of σ pw -v under various wind speeds are obtained through the computation. The original curve of σ p -v is expanded, which turns the analysis theory of random energy of train derailment into the all-weather theory. Train derailment condition has been established under wind action. The first and second criterions of train derailment have been proposed in light of wind action. The analysis of train derailment cases at home or abroad is made, in- cluding the first analysis of Xinjiang train derailment case encountered 13-level of gale, which explained the inevitability of train derailment. The analysis theory of random energy of train derailment in wind shows its validity and accuracy. The input energy σ pw of the transverse vibration of train-track(bridge)-wind system is linked to train speed. With the establishment of the analysis theory of random energy of train derailment in wind, It is likely to initiate an all-weather speed limit map for a train or any high-speed train. Based on the analysis theory of random energy of train derailment, an analysis theory of random energy of train derailment in wind is suggested. Two methods are proposed-the time domain method and the frequency domain method of analysis theory of random energy of train derailment in wind. The curves of σ pw -v under various wind speeds are obtained through the computation. The original curve of σ p -v is expanded, which turns the analysis theory of random energy of train derailment into the all-weather theory. Train derailment The first and second criterions of train derailment have been proposed in light of wind action. The analysis of train derailment cases at home or abroad is made, in- cluding the first analysis of Xinjiang train derailment case encountered 13-level of gale, which explained the inevitability of train derailment. The analysis theory of random energy of train derailment in wind shows its validity and accuracy. The With the establishment of the analysis theory of random energy of train derailment in wind, it is probable that all of ankle-weather system is linked to train speed limit map for a train or any high-speed train.
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