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中国画是我国传统绘画的艺术形式。在历史不断发展的过程中,很多古代文化艺术都被人们所遗忘,中国画却一直流传至今,受到广大人民群众的喜爱。写意花鸟画是中国画的一个重要组成部分,随着时代的变迁也经历过几次盛世和几次衰落,现如今写意花鸟画这种绘画形式引起了人们的高度重视。目前,很多的高校将中国画中的写意花鸟画作为绘画专业的主修课程,这也是对中国画艺术的传承。本文就中国画教学中写意花乌画的创作进行了一系列的浅析。 Chinese painting is an art form of traditional Chinese painting. In the continuous development of history, many ancient cultures and arts have been forgotten by people. Chinese painting has been circulating till now and is loved by the masses. Freehand flowers and birds painting is an important part of Chinese painting. With the change of times, it has experienced several flourishing times and several declines. Nowadays, the painting forms such as freehand birds and flowers arouse people’s attention. At present, many colleges and universities regard the freehand flower and bird painting in Chinese painting as the major course of painting major, which is also the inheritance of Chinese painting art. This article makes a series of analyzes on the creation of freehand brushwork in Chinese painting teaching.
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In diode pumped Nd:YAG lasers,the quantum defect is the most important parameter determining the thermal load of the laser crystal,which can be dramatically red
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