The Most Exciting Basketball Match 激动人心的篮球赛

来源 :疯狂英语·初中天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lichao984
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  The theme activity for March is basketball games. Class Six, Grade Eight went through several highly competitive games and finally won the championship. Now, let’s se three students’ description about one of the most exciting basketball games.
  Zhang Yuxin
  I was the audience sitting in the stand. Our classmates was looking forward to this game. We were going to fight against Class 16, which was a very strong team. They cooperated with each other quite well. So all of our team members worked hard to prepare for it. Finally, the match began.
  Our players tried their best to catch the basketball. I was only able to see the ball passed quickly from one to another. Suddenly, the whistle blew. One of our two key players named Ninghao gothurt. Several students accompanied himto the school clinic. All of us began to fear we will lose the game.However, a voice came out nowhere,"“Letme play. I can do it." Tan Liyuan, a tall boy, who refused to play the game before because he is poor at playing basketball, stood up. Unluckily, he was tripped by the rival and fell down.
  We held our breath. Which boy could play basketball? There was none. After seconds of silence, Ning Hao, who came back from the school clinic and seated himself by the playground, sprang up and hopped on one leg to the playground. Seeing this, we couldn’t helping crying. We tried our best to cheer for them with tears in eyes. In the end, we managed to win the match.
  It is the best match in my heart. The great teamwork, players’friendship and our yelling of encouragement all work together to create an exciting and moving match.
  Tu Yubei
  I was one of the cheerleaders. Between the two matches, we presented wonderful dances for the audience. When the game started, both sides played fiercely. I could only see the balls passed quickly. And soon, our team scored one point. Unluckily, something terrible happened. A member of ourteam named Ning Hao hurt his leg and he could hardly move. Words of encouragement failed to burst out. We held our breath. The other team played too hard. How could our team go on? It was time for us to practice the dance behind the stage.We knew that we must present the best dance to cheer for them.
  When we came back and were ready to walk to the center of the playground, we found that Ning Hao stood on one leg and still played the game. It was so difficult for him. I noticed that the rest of my classmates were all shouting loudly and crazily for them. I was time for the dancing. Each of us tried our best to present the most confident dancing. We hope we could give the basketball players a breeze of encouragement.   Hu Hongrui
  I was sitting among the audience and watched this game carefully, which really moved me.
  The whistle rang; the game got started. Just one minute, our class scored a goal. Then we continued to attack. Just then, an accident happened. One of the other team players hit our leading player Ning Hao. He was seriously hurt. Tan Liyuan, a substitute, took his place. Sadly, he fell down and had to leave. As no one else could play basketball, Ning Hao had to come back again. He hopped with only one leg and helped pass the basketball. This made the originally relaxing competition difficult. The scores between two sides gradually drew close.
  The second half began. This time, our team acted like a growling lion waken up from sleep. Our players attacked more and more fiercely. Yin Hao, another leading player, grabbed the basketball and dribbled the ball across the mid-field immediately. Peng Keli gave Yin Hao cover, so he could speed up like a runaway wild horse. Buthe was encircled by three opponents. They jumped up and tried tocover Yin Hao’s ball Yin Hao glanced around with the rest of his eyes, looked for a chance, jumped up and fearlessly threw the ballinto the basket. Through unremitting efforts, our team won the final victory by 40:21. Thunderous applause and shouting filled the whole stadium. Many girls even cried. Yes, this was a really exciting and unforgettable game. It was noteasy to win.
一、法国刑事司法的组织系统    法国刑事司法组织起源于拿破仑一世所制定的法典、尤其是1810年的刑法和一系列的刑事诉讼法(如1808年的《刑事调查法典》、后来演变为1958年的《刑事诉讼法》)。  在传统上,有关刑法的一般原则可以归结为这样几点:法制的原则(没有法律就谈不上违法和对违法的惩处);司法追究的或然性原则(即检察官对确认的违法案件有追究或不追究的选择);调查取证的原則(检察官和预审法官
深入推进“社会矛盾化解、社会管理创新、公正廉洁执法”三项重点工作,是当前和今后一个时期政法工作的重要任务。我国80%以上的检察院在基层,80%以上的检察干警在基层,80%以上的检察工作任务也在基层。基层检察院不仅是检察工作的基础。也是保障国家经济发展、促进社会和谐稳定、维护政权巩固的基础。笔者就基层检察院在深入推进三项重点工作中的途径和方法做一探讨。    一、基层检察院在三项重点工作中的作用  
我国民事诉讼制度中存在两个公权力机关,即人民法院与人民检察院,这种制度设计是世界上其他国家少有的,是极具中国特色的一项法律制度,民事检察工作非常富有实践性与创造性,国外没有现成的经验可借鉴。我国民事检察权体现的是检察权对审判权的监督,实质上是一种公权力对另一种公权力的制约。因此,民行检察不仅需要研究较为宏观的制度层面的问题,还需要协调与把握好公权私权的关系。   一、对民事检察权性质的再认识  
海南省白沙县位于海南省中部偏西,是一个少数民族聚居的国家级山区贫困县。自从2009年高检院倡导检察文化建设以来,白沙县检察院大力加强检察文化建设,立足实际,因地制宜,创新方式,突出特点,以形式多样、内涵丰富的主题教育和文化活动为载体,积极开展检察文化建设,培养忠诚、公正、清廉、文明的检察队伍,从而推动各项检察工作创新发展,取得了新的成效。我院的具体开展了以下几方面的检察文化建设:    一、注重思
一、检察权的定位及内部监督  (一)我国检察权的定位及内容  检察权的定位是检察理论中的根本性问题,决定着检察改革和创新的方向。关于检察权的定位,学术界有“司法权说”、“行政权说”、“兼具司法权与行政权双重属性说”、“法律监督权说”、“兼具法律监督权与司法权双重属性说”、“独立权说”,笔者赞同我国检察权兼具法律监督权与司法权双重属性。概而言之,检察权的外延要大于法律监督权,法律监督权只是检察权的基