The Simple Analysis of the Usages of “IT”

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  【Abstract】“It”,it is the third person singular of personal pronoun in English.In grammar, it is used as the subject or the object of a sentence.And it is usually used to replace concrete lifeless things and animals except human beings.In fact,“it”can be also used to refer to something abstract such as time, distance, nature states, surroundings.Sometimes“it” can be also used to refer to human beings . In addition, “It” can be used to take the place of the subjects or objects which are made of some phrases or clauses. In the cases,“it” , in grammar, is called the formal subject or formal object .
  【Key words】it; replace; refer to; concrete lifeless things; something abstract; grammartical functions
  “It”,it is the third person singular of personal pronoun in English.In grammar, it is used as the subject or the object of a sentence.And it is usually used to replace all concrete lifeless things and animals except human beings. In Chinese “it” means “它”.
  e. g. (1)What’s this? It is a book.
  (2) Where’s my cat? It is under the bed.
  In fact,“it”can be also used to refer to something abstract. The situation mainly has the following some types:
  1. Referring to time.
  e.g. (1) What time is it? It’s six o’clock.
  (2)It’s September, and we’re back at school.
  2. Referring to distance.
  e.g. (1)It’s not far from hereto the bus stop.
  (2) It’s about five minutes’ walk from my home to the school.
  3. Referring to nature states.
  e.g. (1) It’s cold today, isn’t it?
  (2) I hope it will be fine tomorrow.
  4. Referring to surroundings.
  e.g. (1) Itwas very quiet at the moment.
  (2) It is quite close (rather stuffy) in the room. Let’s open the window for a while.
  Sometimes“it” can be also used to refer to human beings . This kind of usage is often used in the following situations.
  1. When the sex isn’t known or the sex isn’t important, the pronoun “it” can be used for referring to infants.
  e.g. (1) Who’s the child? It is Tom’s little sister.
  (2) I have seen her baby. It’s very active and lovely.
  2. The pronoun “it” can be used for referring to the person in our mind or the person who has been told in the last contents or will be told in the next contents.
  i.e, “it” can be used in referring to the person when we telephone or when somebody is knocking at the door( or the window).   e. g. (1) A: Who is it speaking? I don’t recognize your voice.
  B: It’s me Li Ming speaking.
  (2) There was a knock at the door. “Who is it?” asked my mother. “It’s me, Helen”,answered the knocker.
  However, after“it” is used once, then we willtalk about the personagain, the pronoun “it” can be no longer used to replace the person. And “He”(him) or “She” (her) must be used instead of it.
  e.g. A: Who is the person at the gate of the post office?
  B: It is my friend, Tom. Maybe he is going to send a letter to his girlfriend.
  3. “It” can be used to take the place of some indefinite pronouns that refer to a person like somebody, someone...etc.
  e.g. (1) Somebody has been here. But we have no idea who it was.
  (2) Someone was moving stealthily about the room. It was a burglar. As we watched, he went to the safe and tried to open it.
  4. In the emphatic drills, the pronoun “it” can be used for referring to a person who is emphasized.
  e.g. (1) It was Mr.Li who( that)I met in the park yesterday.
  (2) It is our monitor who(that)
【摘要】 孔子曰:“学起于思,思源于疑 ”。提升学生的思维品质是小学英语核心素养内容之一。本文根据KWL策略的三个方面,运用K策略唤醒认知,初步思考;运用W策略理解文本,主动思考;运用L策略,体验语用,深入思考。探索在核心素养下,培养学生的思维品质的途径。  【关键词】思维能力;KWL策略  【作者简介】刘国梅,义乌市绣湖小学教育集团。  小学英语学科的核心素养包括语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学
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【摘要】美式英语和英式英语是世界上英语的两种主导语言,它们在语音、词汇、拼写、语法等方面有着明显的不同。通过查阅大量文献资料,对美式英语和英式英语的差异及形成的原因进行了总结,希望能对大家学习英语有所益处。  【关键词】英语;美式;英式;差异  【作者简介】李璟兰,长沙市南雅中学。  一、美式英语与英式英语语音上的差异  1.音位差异。毋庸置疑,从元音音位上的差异上不难看出英式美式英语的差异之处,
【摘要】在传统式小学英语教学中,非常关注如何提升小学生对英语学习内容的兴趣,规范英语发音与语感培养。然而在实际的日常教学中,教师还是比较关注学生的听说读写能力,尤其是英语阅读能力的提升。本文将就小学生英语阅读能力的提升进行全面的分析。  【关键词】小学生;英语阅读 ;兴趣  【作者简介】冯艳,江苏省宿迁市洋河实验小学。  如何才能让小学生的英语单词量进一步拓展,阅读显然是一个重要环节,良好的阅读能
【摘要】综合实践活动的开展可以将小学生从静态、封闭的英语学习中解放出来,使其在多样的活动参与中,发挥自身的主观能动性,感受到英语学习的乐趣,同时掌握英语知识和英语学习方法,提升其英语学习水平。基于综合实践活动的应用价值,我在组织小学英语教学活动的时候,结合教学所需,采取多样的方式对其进行了灵活运用。在本文中,我将结合自身的教学经验,就此进行详细说明。  【关键词】小学英语;综合实践活动;应用对策 
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