传授学法 培养兴趣 提高自主学习能力——谈成人英语教学的关键

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一、学法的研究与传授在我国,对学法的研究有着悠久的历史。两千多年前,孔子、孟子就多有论述,如:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”(《论语·为政》)“君子深造之以道,欲其自得之也。自得之,则居之安;居之安,则资(积)之深;资之深,则取之左右逢其原。故君子欲其自得之也。”等等 First, the study and imparting of learning law In our country, the study of learning law has a long history. More than two thousand years ago, Confucius and Mencius spoke more about such as: “Learning without thinking is indiscriminate, thinking without learning is in the peril.” (“The Analects of Confucius” The self-satisfied, then home of the security; home of the An, the capital (product) of the deep; capital of the deep, then take the left and right every time its original, so the gentleman for their own sake too.
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