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去年冬季以来,平罗县各乡镇的中小学生辍学现象比较严重,且有进一步蔓延的趋势。根据2月至3月的调查统计,全县小学生辍学生714人,占全县在校小学生总数的2%,其中少数乡镇(学区)的辍学率达2.8%—4.2%:全县中学辍学生为694人,占全县在校中学生总数的有4.3%:其中少数中学辍学率高达11.8%—15%。中小学在校生辍学直接影响到九年制义务教育的实施,影响我国劳动者素质和整个民族素质的提高,对四化建设极为不利。因此,中小学生的辍学现象,应当引起社会各界,特别是乡镇领导和各中小学校的高度重视,绝不能掉以轻心。据调查,造成中小学学生辍学的原因很多,主要有下列四个方面: Since the winter of last year, the phenomenon of dropping out of primary and middle school students in various townships and townships in Pingluo County has been serious, and there has been a trend of further spread. According to the survey conducted from February to March, 714 pupils were enrolled in the county, accounting for 2% of the total number of primary school students in the county. The dropout rate in a few townships (school districts) was 2.8%-4.2%: It is 694 people, accounting for 4.3% of the total number of middle school students in the county. Among them, the dropout rate in a few middle schools is as high as 11.8%-15%. The dropout of primary and secondary school students directly affects the implementation of the nine-year compulsory education, which affects the quality of the laborers in our country and improves the quality of the entire nation. It is extremely unfavorable to the construction of the four modernizations. Therefore, the phenomenon of dropping out of school among primary and secondary school students should cause all sectors of society, especially township leaders, and primary and secondary schools to attach great importance, and must not be taken lightly. According to the survey, there are many reasons why students in primary and secondary schools drop out of school, mainly in the following four areas:
按摩女郎的报案  2017年6月28日19时许,一名穿着打扮入时的年轻女子徘徊在江苏省无锡市江阴华西派出所门口,值班民警见状,即上前询问。  该女子名叫刘梅,36岁,在江阴华士镇华陆路某足浴店做服务员。据刘梅说,她的一条价值近万元的金项链不见了。值班民警详细询问其丢失过程时,刘梅支支吾吾,称是当天18时许在其工作的足浴店接待一名40多岁男性顾客后不见的。刘梅反映,该男子进了足浴店,点名要刘梅帮其按
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10月24日,以美国密歇根大学本特利历史图书馆馆长费朗西斯·泽维尔·布劳因(Francis Xavier Blouin)先生为团长的美国档案工作代表团一行6人在国家档案局外事办副主任杜梅陪
发展档案信息网是时代的要求,本文通过介绍它的优越性分析了加速校园档案信息网建设的重要性,并指出建设校园档案信息网应解决的几个问题。 The development of archive inf
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鲁迅先生曾在《狂人日记》里发出“救救孩子”的呐喊,这是1918年的事情。时过大半个世纪的今天,看到学生大量流失,我们不得不向全社会疾呼:救救辍学的孩子们! 据调查,灵武郭