举办讲座 提高财务干部素质

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为提高工会财务干部的业务素质,增强法制观念,促进工会经济管理工作制度化,兴办好工会经济实业,我市总工会财务部于5月中旬举办了为期四天的工会财务有关法规、专业知识讲座。区、县、局(产业、总公司)工会,直属大单位工会财务干部,市总直属事业单位的财会人员及分管财务工作的负责同志共120人参加听课。市工会聘请了市财政局、税务局、银行学校的专业干部和专家讲授有关税务法规、新的银行结算办法、现金管理暂行条例以及会计工作达标升级等基础知识。这次讲座有下列收获:一是明确了工会财务与税收的关系,增强了工会兴办经济事业必须依法纳税的法制观念;二是初步掌握了有关税务法规的要素,以 In order to improve the professional qualities of the trade union cadres, enhance the legal system, institutionalize the economic management of trade unions, and set up good trade and economic enterprises, the financial department of our city’s trade union held a four-day trade-related financial regulations and professional knowledge in mid-May Lecture. The trade unions of the district, county and bureau bureaus (industries and head offices), the financial cadres directly under the large units of the trade unions, the accountants and staff members in charge of public institutions directly under the municipal government and the responsible comrades in charge of the finance work all attended the lectures. Municipal Trade Unions hired the Municipal Bureau of Finance, the Inland Revenue Department, banking schools, professional cadres and experts to teach the tax laws and regulations, the new bank settlement methods, cash management interim regulations and accounting standards to upgrade basic knowledge. The lecture has the following benefits: First, it clarifies the relationship between the trade union’s finance and taxation, and strengthens the legal concept that tax unions must pay taxes according to law for the trade unions to set up their economic undertakings. Second, they have initially mastered the essential elements of the tax laws and regulations,
单位组织去永定河漂流。在踏进小皮筏前,我以为“漂流”就是顺流而下,随波逐流,有惊无险;没想到工作人员递给我们一人一根桨。 水闸开始放水了,皮筏浮起来了,但放水的位置在
贵刊1990年第10期《记言与写心》一文中,有一段文字说: 斯时,韩信已被刘邦罢去齐王王位,封为淮阴侯,刘邦对韩信是有猜疑的,故借戏言以汉六年巡守云梦而擒韩信相警告。汪文所