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史万春:米卢的胆太大了! 通过中国队在十强赛上的表现,我最大的感触是中国队在位置感、攻防转换、心理承受能力上比以前有了很大提高,发挥得也比较稳定。前阶段的比赛一场比一场好,特别是对乌兹别克队的比赛,表现得尤为突出。中国队能有这样的表现,除了中国七年职业联赛给了球员很多锻炼的机会以外,作为主教练的米卢也是功不可没的。从比赛中可以看出,米卢针对中国队自身的特点在安排训练、统一思想、调节心理上都花了不少的心思。另外,从队员在比赛中表现出来的自信心以及全队的凝聚力和不管遇到什么情况都能保持一个平稳的心态和对手周旋这些方面上看,我们不得不承认中国队的确是在慢慢成熟,我们也不得不承认米卢是一个有水平的高级教练。在去年中国足协召开关于是否聘请米卢的咨询会上,作为米卢的助理教练金志扬和迟尚斌向足协的领导汇报表示,米卢给他 Shi Wanchun: Milutinovic too much! Through the performance of the Chinese team in the top ten matches, my biggest feeling is that the Chinese team have a greater sense of position, offensive and defensive transitions and psychological endurance than before. They have also played a relatively stable role. The first stage of the game better than a game, especially against the Uzbek team, the performance is particularly prominent. Chinese team can have such a performance, in addition to China’s seven-year professional league gave players a lot of training opportunities, as coach Milutinovic also contributed. Can be seen from the game, Milu for the Chinese team’s own characteristics in the arrangements for training, reunification, psychology have spent a lot of thought. In addition, from the team members showed confidence in the game and team cohesion and no matter what happens can maintain a steady state of mind and opponents these aspects, we have to admit that the Chinese team is indeed slowly maturing , We also have to admit Milutinovic is a level of senior coach. Last year, the Chinese Football Association held a consultation on whether to hire Milutinovic, Milutinovic’s assistant coach Kim Chi Yang and Chih-Shang Chih-Bin reported to the Football Association’s leadership that Milutinovic gave him
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