认清新形势 迎接新挑战 开创新局面——在1995年度注册会计师全国统一考试工作会议上的讲话

来源 :注册会计师通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:larrytangliang
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同志们:在这春光明媚的大好季节,我们汇集在山美、水美、景美、人心更美的广西桂林市,召开1995年度注册会计师全国统一考试工作会议.今年是注册会计师考试制度恢复以来的第四次全国统一考试.前三次考试,在各地财政部门的重视下,依靠各级考办的努力和广大考生的配合,考试组织得很好,考试纪律好,考生逐次增加,考试成绩逐年提高,取得了很大成绩.考试制度已成为注册会计师事业发展的需要并为广大考生所接受的一项重要制度,得到了国内外的一致赞扬.“桂林山水甲天下”,可以说,中国注册会计师考试制度也甲天下.因为从所有的考试制度恢复及取消考核评比以来,所有的考试制度中,注册会计师考试制度进展得最好,而且得到了大家共同的认识.我代表财政部党组、全国考试委员会以及我本人,向战斗在考试工作第一线的同志们表示崇高的敬意,向为考试工作服务的各级领导、各位专家、教授、监考老师及组织单位表示诚挚的谢意,向踊跃报名参加考试的国内外考生表示亲切的慰问. Comrades: In this wonderful spring season, we gathered in Guilin, Guilin, Guangxi Province, with beautiful landscapes, beautiful landscapes and beautiful sceneries, and held a national unified examination work conference for certified public accountants in 1995. This year is the year since the resumption of CPA examination system The fourth national examinations. The first three exams, under the emphasis of the financial departments around the country, relying on the efforts of examiners at all levels and the cooperation of the majority of candidates, the exam is well organized, good exam discipline, candidates gradually increased, test scores increased year by year , Has made great achievements.The examination system has become a CPA career development needs and accepted by the majority of candidates is an important system, has been unanimously praised at home and abroad. “Guilin Landscape, the world,” we can say that Chinese certified public accountant Examination system is also a world because all the examination system since the resumption of assessment and evaluation since all the examination system, CPA examination system is the best progress, and get everyone a common understanding.I represent the Ministry of Finance party group, the national examination The Commission as well as myself express my highest respect and commendation to those comrades who have fought in the forefront of the examinations The leadership at all levels of work service, experts, professors, examiners and organizational units expressed their sincere gratitude and expressed their cordial condolences to the domestic and foreign candidates who volunteered to take the exam.
【摘要】英语作为一门语言沟通和交流的工具,它的使用价值越来越高。而在教学实践中,情境教学法被证明为能使学习者真正掌握英语学习真谛的行之有效的方法之一。所谓情境教学就是以情境教学基本理论为基础,通过铺设情境,实现达到语言交际的目标。情境教学法对提高学生使用英语的能力与水平,提高英语教学的质量有很大的促进作用。本文将对情境教学法在英语教学中的实践应用展开研究。  【中图分类号】G42 【文献标识码】A