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驿站——一个回顾与展望的契机。天津市高达集团有限公司就在这驿站上一览十年的发展历程。跋涉的轨迹依稀可辨,十年来,高达集团公司董事长兼总经理高桐胜以其超人的胆识和艰苦创业的精神,带领全村4300名干部群众,把一个仅有10万元固定资产、年人均收入百十元钱的全区有名的穷村,发展成为拥有18个企业,集钢铁制品、化工、塑料、食品、纺织、印刷六大门类的集团公司,名列西青区前列,并于1993年首批跨入市级小康明星村行列,并连获两届巾级红旗党支部光荣称号。该公司现有固定资产6000万元,流动资金4000万元,1994年产值2.24亿元,利税2000万元,人均生活水平3057元。集团内部已形成规模化、系列化格局。公司的钢锨、羊毛衫产品出口东南亚、南非地区,年创汇200万美元。 Station - an opportunity to review and look ahead. Tianjin Gaoda Group Co., Ltd. has a ten-year development history at this station. The trajectory of the trekkers is vaguely recognizable. In the past ten years, Gao Tongsheng, chairman and general manager of Gundam Group Corporation, led the 4,300 cadres and the masses of the whole village with the courage of Superman and the spirit of arduous pioneering, setting a fixed asset of only 100,000 yuan and annual per capita. The well-known poor village in the region, which has a income of 100 yuan, has developed into a group company with 18 enterprises and 6 categories including iron and steel products, chemicals, plastics, food, textiles and printing. It has been ranked in the forefront of Xiqing District and was established in 1993. The first batch of the year entered the ranks of city-level well-to-do star villages, and won the honorable title of two sessions of the towel-level red flag party branch. The company’s existing fixed assets of 60 million yuan, 40 million yuan of liquidity, in 1994 the output value of 224 million yuan, profits and taxes of 20 million yuan, per capita living standard 3057 yuan. Within the group, a scaled and serialized pattern has been formed. The company’s steel enamel and wool sweater products are exported to Southeast Asia and South Africa. It earns US$2 million annually.
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Using the recent compilation of the isotopic composition data of surface snow of Antarctic ice sheet, we proposed an improved interpolation method of δD, which
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我小时候玩得极蛮,游河,爬山,打弹子,跳皮筋,哪样都不落下。玩起“捉来逃”的游戏,男孩子也撵不上我。这样玩法,裙子自然穿不住,很长时间里只穿裤子。  玩得多,摔得也多,新上身的裤子,没多久就磨穿了膝盖。妈妈给逼出个应对的法子:新裤子买来,先在两个膝盖处垫上两块耐磨的厚绒布,对齐,缝紧。这样磨破一层,还有一层,一条新裤好歹能多穿些时日。爱美的妈妈还留心把绒布剪裁出花朵或小动物的形状,而我一律不管,那