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信息化条件下教育教学和学习方式转变的内涵,应该是把以计算机及网络为核心的信息技术作为促进学生学习的认识工具与情感激励工具,丰富教学环境的创设工具,并将这些工具全面应用到各科教学过程中,使各种教学资源、各种教学要素和教学环节经整理、组合,相互融合,在整体优化的基础上产生聚焦效应,促进以教师为中心的教学结构与教学模式的变革,从而达到培养学生的创新精神和实践能力的目标。 Under the condition of informationization, the connotation of the transformation of education, teaching and learning should be based on computer and network as the core information technology as a tool to promote learning and emotional incentive tools to enrich teaching environment creation tools, and the full application of these tools In the course of teaching in all subjects, the various teaching resources, various teaching elements and teaching links are collated, combined and integrated with each other to produce a focusing effect on the basis of overall optimization so as to promote the teacher-centered teaching structure and teaching mode Change, so as to achieve the goal of cultivating students’ innovative spirit and practical ability.
The ASIC is widely used in the field of high energy physics. Astroparticle experiments benefit from high integration, smallsize and low power consumption. In th
本例的病历摘要见本卷第 9期第 5 73页分析与讨论本例患儿在整个病程过程中 ,主要表现为乏力、晨起恶心伴呕吐、全身淋巴结轻度增生、镜下血尿以及明显消瘦 ,经过 1年半左右
【摘要】电子电工是一门专业理论和实践性均较强的基础理论课,如何优化课堂结构,强化专业技能训练,提高课堂教学效率,是我们电子电工专业的所有老师一直探讨的课题。在教学过程中,既要注重通过基本训练使学生掌握基本知识、基本方法和基本技能,也要注重在实验过程中逐步增强学生主动学习的意识,不断满足学生自主学习的需求。  【关键词】电工电子;实验教学;方法  一、树立热爱专业思想  我们首先就要教育学生,既然选
AIM To investigate the relationship of inferior wall ischemia on myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with nondominant right coronary artery anatomy.METHODS
隆化县地处冀北山地,平均海拔750米,属半干旱、半湿润、大陆性季风型气候,森林资源比较丰富,全县有林地面积29.2万公顷,其中人工林6.6万公顷。随着天然林保 Longhua County