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为了雪山官兵有个温暖舒适的工作生活环境,他在阿里高原冰峰雪岭誓做燃烧自己温暖官兵的一块原煤。为了团结战友共同搞好雪山边防供暖工作,他以一颗炉火般温暖炽热的心,总是为战友的工作生活和成长进步给予百般的呵护和关爱。他七年如一日地忘我工作,成天与煤炭、炉灰、污水、粪便等打交道,安心于又脏又臭又苦又累的司炉员工作,出色完成了阿里军分区26个点位、42238平方米房屋的供暖和48台锅炉的检修、保养任务,为雪域高原边防一线的供暖事业作出了巨大贡献。 In order to snow mountain officers and men have a warm and comfortable working and living environment, he was in the Ali Plateau snow ridge vow to burn a piece of his own warm officers and men of coal. In order to unite his comrade in arms and do a good job snow-edge border heating work, he was a warm heart-warming fire, always comrades in his work life and growth to give all sorts of care and love. He devoted himself to work every day for seven years. He worked with coal, ash, sewage and manure all day long and reassured himself in the work of a stalker who was grungy, bitter and tired. He successfully completed 26 points of the Ali Army subdivision with 42,238 square feet The heating of rice houses and overhaul and maintenance of 48 boilers have made great contributions to the frontline heating of the snow-covered plateau.
当 SUV、MPV、RV……(鬼知道还会出现什么 V)这些时髦词儿开始挂在车迷们的咀上,谁又能说清,它们究竟是什么车? When the SUV, MPV, RV ...... (ghost know what will happ
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。杨福清:重点工程建设屡立新功正请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does no
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
研究了起重机吊臂在端部牵索非保向力作用下起升平面外整体屈曲临界力的计算方法,给出通用的屈曲特征方程及实用算式。 The method of calculating the critical buckling fo
考虑各变量的随机性,根据可靠性设计准则,运用数理统计理论,建立了圆柱齿轮减速机的可靠性优化设计的数学模型,并对实例进行了计算与分析。 Considering the randomness of each