
来源 :安庆科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jin_liu
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二○○二年,在市委、市政府高度重视和上级部门的大力支持下,经过广大科技工作者共同努力,全市科技工作取得了长足的进展,有力地推进了科教兴市战略的实施,促进了科技成果转化,加快了科技经济一体化进程。为继续营造县级科技管理工作争先进位的竞争激励机制,充分调动科技管理工作者积极性,不断开拓全市科技工作新局面,根据省科技厅有关年度工作考评办法,经评定,现决定对二○○二年度县级科技局工作考评先进单位和先进工作者予以表彰: In 2002, with the great attention of the municipal government and the municipal government and the strong support from the higher authorities, with the joint efforts of vast numbers of science and technology workers, great progress has been made in science and technology work in the city, which has effectively promoted the implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the city through science and education and promoted The transformation of scientific and technological achievements has accelerated the process of scientific and technological economic integration. In order to continue to create a competition and incentive mechanism at the top of the county's science and technology management work and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of science and technology management workers, and constantly open up new prospects for science and technology work in the city, according to the annual work appraisal methods of the Provincial Science and Technology Department, ○ In the second year of county-level science and technology office work evaluation advanced units and advanced workers to be commended:
微软执行了17年的股票期权奖励制度,已于2003年9月宣告终结,取而代之的是向员工发放限制性股票,并在全球同步执行。 作为有效激励的手段之一,期权激励与固定工资、奖金、福
外墙内保温施工,是在外墙结构的内部加做保温层。内保温施工速度快,操作方便灵活,可以保证施工进度。内保温在技术上的不合理性,决定了其必然要被外保温所替代。 External w
首届中国绿色科技企业论坛1994年7月25日在北京召开,近40个行业领域的企业家和专家代表出席了会议。基于对中国环境与发展问题的共同认识,特发表如下宣言: (一) 日趋严重的
每每看到现在的孩子,放学后或节假日,可以去那些特长班或少年宫系统地学习各种艺术技能,我心中便生出无限感慨,想起我小时候跟小伙伴们自办文艺演出队的一段经历。  我生长在农村,上小学二年级时,学校组建了一支文艺宣传队,文艺队的排练室就在我们班级隔壁。每天看着那些被选进文艺队的同学放学后去隔壁教室排练,我非常羡慕。因为他们都是各年级最聪明伶俐、又能歌善舞的文艺尖子,代表着学校的文艺水准,更有很多出去见世
本文分析了222 例创伤性颌骨骨折的临床资料。下颌骨骨折192 例,占86 % ;上颌骨骨折30例,占14 % ;颌骨骨折常合并颅脑、胸腹脏器、四肢等重要器官的损伤。认为在治疗中应有整体观念,强调了局部软
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